We consider double standards unacceptable, all Hungarian universities must comply with the legislation equally. It is not possible to create a law that puts Soros University in a better position than Hungarian universities, Judit Varga, Minister of Justice, told the MTI, following the ruling of the European Union Court of Justice on the Law of Higher Education of Hungary, published on Tuesday.
According to the verdict, the Hungarian government violated EU law by making the CEU impossible to operate in Hungary, and the 2017 amendment to Hungary’s Higher Education Law must be repealed.
The minister added that, as always, Hungary will apply the judgment of the European Court of Justice in the interest of the Hungarian people.
According to Varga, Hungarian law does not violate EU law, as it guarantees that students at the institution in question will actually obtain the same degree they hoped to obtain. Exactly what this ruling means has not been revealed, it is true that CEU graduates, such as government spokesman Zoltán Kovács, have so far not indicated that CEU has not granted them the degree they expected.
Varga said that the relevant Hungarian law affects dozens of foreign higher education institutions operating in Hungary, but most of them had no problems complying with this legislation.
“The proper functioning of higher education institutions is ultimately trust in a country’s educational system, the key to the reputation of the higher education system, and the diploma issued as a result is the embodiment of this. You don’t need letterbox colleges. “