Judit Varga is upset on Facebook


The justice minister said he had withdrawn access to his Facebook posts due to one post, but that is unlikely.

“Do you believe in coincidences?” He asks the poetic question Judit Varga in his latest Facebook post as Justice Minister, whipping Facebook.

“On Monday morning, I wrote a post on Facebook saying that social media activity could play a key role in the 2022 elections, as politicians reach significant numbers of voters directly through online platforms. . I also pointed out that, although the conservative side has come a long way in this area, we cannot be left behind and there is still a long way to go. See a miracle: a few hours after this publication, Facebook (its unknown operators) changed the algorithms of my official Facebook account without notice and justification, removing a fraction (a quarter to a fifth) of my previous posts, which which means that the political messages that I consider important also reach far fewer people through this channel ”, complains the minister, saying that the practice is“ very incorrect ”.

By the way, based on Facebook practice, Judit Varga is unlikely to have reduced access to her posts due to the aforementioned post. While the company adjusts its feed-based ranking algorithm from time to time, it does not modify it specifically for individuals. Important changes are reported in the Facebook blog post, but no justification or notification is sent to some users.

In his publication, Varga mentions that the Digital Freedom Committee has been created in the Ministry of Justice to examine all the problems and anomalies in the online / digital space and, if necessary, propose changes in the legal environment.

“We see what is happening in the world, we see that the power groups behind the global technology companies can even make decisions. We must not be naive, we must be prepared for any eventuality and the operations and decisions of these global companies must be transparent. We will continue working! In the meantime, I hope to inform the Hungarian Facebook managers as soon as possible about the reasons and the period for which they restrict access to my account, and why they forgot to inform about it and if they do so regularly with Hungarian political actors ” writes the minister.
