Judit Varga gave an exhaustive interview to the BBC, but was not happy with the questions


In the EU there is ideological blackmail and communist methodology, while in Hungary there is law enforcement and freedom of the press, believes the minister.

Judit Varga The Minister of Justice gave a long interview to the BBC Difficult talk “Everything was here as a farewell: known accusations of boredom instead of questions, BBC-style fairness, liberal slogans instead of facts, scapegoats, blackmail and some smiling misinformation.”

And on Wednesday morning he continued: “I regret that in perhaps the best known and most watched political program in Europe, you ran for indictments based on known panels in 24 minutes: CEU, civil law, Index.hu, dying freedom of the press, sick democracy, etc. However, I am glad that, through the interview, it was clear to many of our European friends that the Brussels narrative about the demolition of the rule of law is false and false. “

At the interview Stephen sackur He first asked the minister what was the logic that Hungary, although it was a member of the European club, was still not ready to accept the EU court, its values ​​and rules. Varga said that the union wants to involve certain fundamentally sovereign powers, uses the term rule of law for ideological and political blackmail, but there are no objective criteria attached. According to him, there is no problem with Hungarian law and when it did, infringement proceedings were started, “and in the end we harmonized our laws with EU law.

But when you prove that you are right and have no further legal discussions with the European Commission, you will come up with a statement that you do not fit the ideological picture and therefore the whole picture is wrong, I must say that we are in the time communist. cites its rhythm and methodology

Judit Varga said.

The journalist recalled that in recent months the Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled against the Hungarian government in two important cases: according to this, in addition to the law on non-governmental organizations, Hungary violated European law by forcing the CEU to move their activities abroad. . “So now they will guarantee that the CEU will return to Hungary, right?” Sackur asked. The minister did not respond to the specific question, but said that “this time we are going to fully align the Higher Education Law with the relevant regulations, we are currently examining the procedures and legislation related to higher education in other Member States.”

Press freedom, which Judit Varga said was one of the fundamental values ​​in Hungary, was also discussed and when asked about the government-influenced KESMA, which concentrates hundreds of press products, she said: “This conglomerate only follows European standards of business rationality consortia, conglomerates “.

Open online media: 80 percent are critical of the government and liberal bodies dominate the online sector, and we all know that people watch the Internet 24 hours a day, so I do not understand the question and suspect about anything .

Finally, Varga confirmed that they would not back down on vetoing the EU budget and the rescue package. “Hungary has never really sold any kind of bags, we said that we will never give in to this ideological blackmail, which is in fact the excuse of the rule of law, which is embodied in this concept. Those who have shaped this situation in such a way that Europe is at a standstill must solve this problem, ”he said.

Image: Judit Varga’s Facebook page
