Judit Varga explained how she got the 200 million property in Budapest


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In a Facebook post, Justice Minister Judit Varga explained in detail why they did not move into the property in Balatonhenye, for which they had chocolate for three children in 2017, and how they had access to the 200 million HUF apartment. in Budapest.

Earlier this week, Telex wrote that Judit Varga and her husband, Péter Magyar, who works as CEO of the Student Loan Center, received the chocolate grant for the renovation of their holiday home in Balatonhenye, which is irregular as It can only be taken on property where they live. It also emerged that the minister was not planning to settle in the property in Balatonhenye, because Blikk learned that Viktor Orbán had bought a new 270-square-meter apartment for 200 million guilders a few minutes drive from his house in Budapest to live there. . . After the articles were published, Judit Varga wrote to RTL that before her appointment as minister, the plan was to live in the property in Balatonhenye, and if this did not happen within five years, the amount of the subsidy would be repaid with interest.

In his current Facebook post on the two properties, he wrote:

We started building our residential house in Balatonhenye in 2016 with our income and credit from our many years of work in Brussels, while we were still away. So it’s not a vacation home but a family home and we don’t renovate it, we build a brand new one. Like many hundreds of thousands of Hungarian families, we also use family support at home. At that time, we planned to move home here at the end of our mission (which is why we decided not to buy real estate in Budapest).

We are writing 2017 when the house is finished. At the time, none of us were a public figure and we would not have thought in our dreams that our lives would radically change in the spring of 2018 – that’s when I received the request from the Secretary of State. We moved house with our three children to a rented property in Budapest.

In 2019, we received the end use permit for the house on Lake Balaton and at that time, like many other Hungarian families, we took advantage of the government decree 16/2016 and requested a 5-year exemption period to move into the property. as a permanent resident.

There are no irregularities or deception in this procedure, and in several cases the legislation provides for the possibility of exemption from the obligation of permanent residence for 5 years.

In relation to our purchase of real estate in Budapest, the reality is that we bought two apartments, one smaller and one larger (with garage) in a condominium with the intention of opening later, 100 m2 of the largest apartments in the basement. We were able to obtain the large HUF 8 million bank loan on our own, using my husband’s downtown property as additional collateral for the loan transaction, so the bank mortgage was also placed. By the way, this downtown property was sold last December and a significant portion of the loan was prepaid. Such a construction is not at all unusual and, above all, it is not irregular. In March 2020, our family moved from the rented apartment in Budapest to the newly purchased property.

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