József Szájer could lose tens of millions for his orgy scandal


Got involved in the scandal and resigned József Szájer now he is not only suffering political damage, but can also say goodbye to his fabulous salary in Brussels, wrote Mfor.hu. The newspaper also calculated the amount of money of the founder of Fidesz, who left Fidesz last night.

The net salary of MEPs is EUR 6,962, which was HUF 2.1 million last April, but is now HUF 2.4 million (due to the weakening of the Hungarian currency). Parliament will pay Members a lump sum allowance of EUR 323 to cover their accommodation and related expenses for each day that they carry out official work in Brussels or Strasbourg, provided that the sign-in sheet has been signed. This amount is intended to cover hotel bills, meals and any other expenses incurred. This daily allowance of 323 euros was still 102 thousand florins in 2019, today it is 114 thousand florins a day. According to the document, the general reimbursement of expenses is intended to cover the expenses derived from the parliamentary activities of the deputy, the monthly amount in 2020 is 4,563 euros, which is 1.6 million HUF.

Members will also be reimbursed for travel expenses. Furthermore, at the end of their term, deputies can still receive a transitional allowance equal to their salary for the number of months they have been in office. József Szájer was in office for 16 years, so he would have received his salary for another 16 months if he had served his term until 2024, but his term has not expired now, but he has resigned.

therefore, you could have lost these 38 million HUF.

The former Fidesz politician is also forced to give up a significant amount on the pension front. József Szájer is 59 years old and former members are entitled to an old-age pension from the age of 63, and the amount of the pension is 3.5 percent of the fees for each full year of mandate. Therefore, the politician will receive not 70, but only 56 percent of his salary of 2.4 million HUF calculated at the current exchange rate, as the term is only 16 years instead of 20 years. This will mean a monthly pension of HUF 1.3 million instead of a HUF 1.6 million monthly pension.

On Tuesday, several Belgian newspapers wrote that a Hungarian MEP, who has since resigned, was also there at an organ in Brussels last Friday. Szájer admitted that he was present at the incident and later, according to a statement from the Belgian prosecutor’s office, it was revealed that police had found a drug with him while he was fleeing the scene with bloody hands.

Featured image: Balázs Ivándi-Szabó / 24.hu
