Jourová’s 180 degree turn: criticized our country + video


Katalin Zöldhegyi, correspondent for Hír TV, reported on the latest details in Híradó

During the debate, Jourová no longer reiterated his earlier opinion that the Hungarian virus law was compatible with EU law, but again spoke of a “rule of law context” in relation to Hungary. He was particularly critical of the state of the Hungarian press: according to him, his independence has been declining for years.

On behalf of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU, it was announced that the procedure under the seven-week Hungarian article would have been discussed in March, but the coronavirus made it impossible. In early April, however, a video conference was held on Member States’ emergency measures, which was also attended by Minister of Justice Judit Varga. “Respect for the rule of law is of utmost importance in the midst of the crisis,” said the Croatian EU presidency.

Vera Jourová spoke at the EP debate

Deli Andor: Today’s debate evokes conceptual demands!

On behalf of Fidesz-KDNP, Representative Deli Andor spoke in the colors of the European People’s Party. “There are factions on the side of the ball that simply cannot afford not to attack Hungary over and over again, now monthly,” the MP began, saying that organizers knew before today’s debate that ninety percent of MPs could not participate. and I can’t say your opinion. “The Hungarian government’s participation was not facilitated by the EP president, despite the fact that the procedural rules did not prevent him from doing so,” Deli said.

He added that leaders of socialist and liberal factions had the opportunity to participate online in April.

“Why is the same not possible for the Hungarian government now?”

– Deli Andor asked from a handful of members in the House, also recalling that the EU committee had found no violation of Hungarian law. “This is a mockery of European values ​​and fundamental legal principles, evoking conceptual demands,” said the Fidesz spokesman.

Deli Andor spoke at the EP debate

According to right wing factions, there is an ideological attack on Hungary

According to the paper form, the Orbán government was harshly attacked at the meeting by the Baliberal factions of the EP. The leader of the social democratic faction, Iratxe García Pérez, went to the European People’s Party for not breaking with the Hungarian ruling parties.

Liberals also said that Hungary could not receive a penny of EU money, and complained that Viktor Orbán had not traveled to Brussels in the midst of the epidemic.

The old government critic, Sophie In’t Veldt, went so far as to call the cowardly Hungarian prime minister for not attending the meeting. The Green Party Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield, heir to the Sargentini report, shouted to the world:

In Hungary, white and Christian men have a simpler life.

According to the French MEP Nicholas Bay, the right-wing MEP for Identity and Democracy, we can witness the usual double standard: the left is attacking Hungary due to its migratory position. In parallel with France, he said: In the case of Emmanuel Macron, the EP is not interested in the violations, but if they see Viktor Orbán, they will be immediately bled to death. –

This is the futile debate about Hungary due to the country’s resistance to migration.

He underlined.

Liberal vice president says goodbye

After just over an hour and a half, the Hungarian debate in the EP ended. The Commission and the Council closed the speeches. Vera Jourová did not abandon the previous critical tone, stating that the measures taken under the Hungarian Virus Law, for example, in relation to the dissemination of terror news, are constantly being investigated.

The liberal politician finally drew a parallel in his own mother tongue between the restrictions imposed by the communist dictatorship and the crown virus.

As he said, over time Europeans will have to regain all their freedoms. – I am sure that now Hungarians also dream of returning to the democratic framework. This will happen after defeating the virus, he said, and also said that he would like to sit at a table with representatives of the Hungarian government as soon as possible. Jourová also dropped the expectation that all EU states would return to the “democratic club” after the epidemic, leaving behind an extraordinary legal order.

Magyar Nemzet – HírTV
