Johnson announced: here’s how the UK will come back from a full month shutdown


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From full closure to normalization

Under the four-week package of measures ordered on November 5, people living in England currently can only leave their homes for certain reasons. Also, everyone can only meet one person who lives in a household that is not in the same household, and those who do not live under the same roof cannot visit each other in their apartments, not even family members.

In addition, stores that sell non-essential products, leisure centers, gyms, cinemas, hair salons, beauty salons, pubs, bars and restaurants are currently closed.

Johnson said Monday that this restriction will end on December 2, the date originally scheduled, the government will not extend the duration of the measure. At the same time The re-entry into force of the previously applied three-tier reservation system will be reinforced in several elements. Under this

  1. The government also asks people living in milder areas affected by some degree of preparedness for the epidemic to work from home if possible.
  2. In the parts of the country covered by the second level of preparation, restaurants can only serve spirits with a large quantity of food.
  3. In areas where the government has the third highest level of preparedness, closed nightclubs, hotels and other accommodations must close, as do all restaurants, although the latter can pick up takeout and take home.

Rules for massive events

Johnson said, however, that sporting events and performances, as well as business events, will be available to the public in indoor and outdoor waiting areas, both indoors and outdoors, but the number of spectators and participants it should be limited.

In the parts of the country covered by each stage of preparation, tickets can be sold for up to 50 percent of the stadium seats or for 4,000 people, whichever is less.

In the two waiting-level areas, the usable capacity is also 50 percent, but this can mean up to two thousand viewers.

Where the triple level of preparation will be applied, it will not yet be possible to hold sporting events in front of an audience.

Immunizations and screenings, tests

The British prime minister also said that thanks to recent advances in vaccine development and rapid tests, the restrictions the country has had to endure this year are expected to no longer be necessary in the spring.

Johnson said home caregivers will be screened for coronavirus viruses weekly Monday through Monday with rapid tests showing results in 30 minutes, and by the end of the year, each nursing home resident can receive two or two visitors per week. In addition, a mass testing program will be launched in areas with the highest levels of triple readiness, and those with negative findings will be subject to lighter restrictions than the general one, the British prime minister said.

Recent data suggests that the rate of spread of the coronavirus epidemic in the UK is already declining dramatically. The UK Health Department said in a statement last night that 136,814 new infections had been tested across the country last week, down from 40,504, almost 23 percent less than in the same period a week earlier.

Cover Image Source: Mike Marsland / WireImage
