John Slavik told me how to have a safe Christmas


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John Slavik described the good news that two vaccines with similar mechanisms of action have already been registered in the United States, which can be followed in the coming weeks and reach several countries around the world.

The chief physician warned that everyone who can and is at risk should get vaccinated, as soon as possible, as this is the only way to protect yourself from serious complications of coronavirus infection.

As a member of the European Union, Hungary is trying to obtain a wide variety of vaccines and people should have great confidence in the vaccines approved by the European and Hungarian pharmaceutical authorities, he explained.

János Slavik emphasized that these vaccines are being duly tested and that, according to the news published so far, almost all pre-registered vaccines are effective. side effects are common: redness, fever, mild pain at the injection site.

The chief physician noted, of course, that it cannot be ruled out that someone is sensitive to the vaccine, “an allergic reaction is terribly rare, but in this case, the medical staff will solve the problem.”

He also said that while the effectiveness of flu vaccines is only 70 to 80 percent, that of coronavirus vaccines is more than 90 percent. Furthermore, for all vaccines it is true that Even if someone becomes infected despite being vaccinated, they will almost certainly not develop a serious illness or die from the infection. added.

János Szlávik stated that the epidemic is still in the so-called plateau phase in Hungary, and vaccination is very close, so mass vaccinations may start early next year.

He noted that there is no drug that is truly effective in treating coronavirus infection, but there are preparations and interventions that, when used together, can have some effect on healing patients.

When covering the end of the year holidays, the chief physician emphasized that if family members wore a mask, kept a safe distance, and performed disinfection, smaller visits to family members under ten participants could be safe, but large dinners and events together without the use of a mask are already a danger.

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