Joe Biden wants to allow tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to enter the United States


Joe Biden has announced that after his inauguration, he will open the borders of the United States to migrants and repeal all measures taken by Donald Trump to stop illegal migration. However, experts warn that such a decision would have serious consequences, since not only would it pose a huge risk to national security, but tens of thousands of people of unknown origins would arrive in the country during a pandemic. It is also conceivable that the events of the Obama administration were repeated in 2014, when, after a similar move, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants practically occupied the southern border of the United States.

Joe Biden’s presidency will certainly be characterized by a pro-migration policy, and even the otherwise liberal New York Times acknowledges this. This means that the Democratic president will encourage people from the poorest countries to move to the United States and try their luck there. T. Alexander Aleinikoff, director of the Zolberg Migration Institute in New York, also confirmed this, as the expert hopes that

there will be a significant increase in the number of migrants in the country and strong pressure on the southern border of the United States.

Even the most radical leftists who support migration believe that the person of the Democratic president and the messages he conveys could unleash an immigration wave never before seen in the United States. Dora Rodríguez, founder of a nonprofit organization that supports migrants called Salvavisión, emphasized that for many, Biden’s victory amounts to opening borders and accommodating migrants, so the crowds will move towards the United States.

Joe bidenSource: MTI / EPA / AP / Andrew Harnik

The process has already begun, with 70,000 people arrested by border guards in the previous month alone, a 64 percent increase over the same period last year.

This type of political line is in stark contrast to the popular approach adopted by Donald Trump during his presidency. Of course, this is not surprising, as Biden has repeatedly expressed before and after the election that he will repeal Trump’s measures to curb illegal migration and create a kind of open society.

According to a December article in the Miami Herald, thousands of Cubans have embarked on their way to the southern border of the states, calling on social media to join the migrant caravan. Reuters wrote of a similar experience in Honduras, where migrants, mostly young men, left for the United States.

Biden’s plan appears to be a huge mistake not only for national security, but also for health reasons. since the coronavirus epidemic is currently spreading around the world, and it is during this period that the president of the United States Democrats wants to open the borders to tens of thousands of migrants of unknown origins. Furthermore, not only do conservatives believe it, but even on the Democratic side, several have raised their voices against the Biden plan.

Caravan of migrants from various countries (photo taken in October 2020)Source: AFP / Johan Ordonez

Immigration lawyer Leon Fresco, for example, spoke of the extremely serious negative consequences of Biden trying to reverse the measures taken by Donald Trump, discarding all common sense. He said Biden’s messages and statements will be followed by masses attempting to pass through the United States, which could trigger another wave of epidemics.

The clear negative effects, on the other hand, Alejandro Mayorkas, whom Biden has chosen to head the US Department of Homeland Security, wants to balance it with false information and promises. Mayorkas said, for example, that if the United States receives more migrants, the wages of Americans will also increase.

However, he himself probably does not believe this statement.

A significant proportion of the migrants arriving now are young menSource: AFP / Herika Martinez

A multitude of studies show that migration takes money from American workers and gives it to migrants. This is exactly what the presidency of Donald Trump has shown, as the decline in the number of low-skilled immigrants has just financially strengthened the American working class.

Breitbart cites a 2016 study where a study by a migrant party also admits that migrants levy a high tax on Americans. At the time, migrants accounted for 16.5 percent of all working hours, while cutting Americans’ wages by 5.2 percent. Mayorkas, therefore, has been severely biased on the issue and, furthermore, in the past an investigation was launched against him and, according to a 2015 report, he issued visas to migrants for political reasons, for personal influence and acquisition of property. .
