Jiří Menzel died | 24.hu


He died at the age of 82. Jiří Menzel Oscar-winning Czech director, his wife said, Olga Menzelová on his Facebook page on Sunday accompanied by a video. According to the Czech press, Menzel died on Saturday.

Jiří Menzel has directed two dozen feature films and documentaries, as well as a number of theatrical performances in the Czech Republic and other states, including Hungary. In Hungary, in 2004, the Middle Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit received the star award.

As an actor, he has appeared in around 80 film and television jobs. HE Strictly controlled trains for his film titled Bohumil hrabal Directed from his play, he received an Oscar in 1967. After the Prague Spring crackdown, he was unable to direct films for five years. It was made in 1985 My little town is one of the most popular Czech comedies of all time, with another Oscar nomination for director in 1986. In the movie János Bán Award-winning actor Mari Jászai plays the title role.

Menzel played Géza Böszörményi, Gyula maár, Sándor Simó in his works, Istvan Szabo The door and in Robert Koltai World number!for the last time as an actor Martin Sulík Slovak Director Translator and starred in his latest film production of Don Juanok volt.

In 2017, she underwent head surgery, after which she was kept in an artificial coma for over a month.

Featured Image: Jiří Menzel as Guest of Honor at the Miskolc International Film Festival on September 8, 2017. MTI Photo: János Vajda
