Jimmy Zámbó died 20 years ago – Now what he told Ádám Fásy before his death turned out – Hungarian star


Twenty years have passed since the terrible news shook the country on January 2, 2001: he died in tragic circumstances. Jimmy Zimmon. On New Year’s Eve and on January 1 they celebrated at the king’s house, and the next morning, at dawn, he shot himself in the head with the singer’s pistol. He died from his injuries at Honvéd Hospital in the morning.

The first news was that Zambó had ended his life with Jimmy’s own hand, but according to the officially accepted version, the murder weapon rumbled in his hand as a result of an accident.

According to Ádám Fásy, Jimmy did not commit suicide

Ádám Fásy considered Jimmy Zámbó not only as his friend, but also as his adoptive brother, they visited each other often. The singer, also known as the king, called the joyous star several times on New Year’s Eve 2000 night because he really wanted to meet him. Fásy really didn’t want to leave the house and leave his wife, Marika, and their then little daughter, Zsüliett, alone. However, Jimmy was adamant and his voice sounded very lonely, so they ended up sitting in a restaurant after midnight, the 68-year-old celebrity told the Star magazine In June 2020.


“We haven’t had a single sip of alcohol all night since we both drove in. In vain he was one of the most popular singers in the country, he felt lonely at the New Year’s farewell. We talk a lot about the future, he said: from then on, he wants to release the album on his own. So no one can say that he had no plans for the future. That’s why what happened to him shook so much, he told the newspaper.

According to Fásy, a person who has concrete plans for the future will not end his life. In addition, his friend was always a punctual man who did his work with honor, who loved his children and his wife, working to make life better for them.


Photo: MTI / Sándor Katalin

“His death was an endless accident, and I rule out that he voluntarily ended his life.” I knew him, he would never have done that to himself, nor would he have caused his family so much pain, says the Fásy Mulató star.

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His wife, Edit, had already claimed at the time of the tragedy that Jimmy had not committed suicide, he just wanted to show him how big the gun was. After two shots, he emptied the magazine, then grabbed it and, to assure him there was no more ammunition, fired the Beretta-type pistol at his own temple again. According to Edit Zámbó, the singer did not notice the ammunition that was left in his weapon.

Árpy Zámbó still doesn’t know exactly what happened

Arpy Zámbó, Jimmy’s younger brother, said in 2018 that he found it strange that his brother wanted to show off the gun to the company assembled for New Year’s Eve because he thought he never drew his gun unnecessarily. At the same time, he is also sure that his brother did not want to commit suicide, but to this day he does not know exactly what happened, since he and his family were not there at the time of the tragedy.


“The circumstances are very strange, I did not believe in suicide for a minute, my brother loved living.” The files were encrypted for 25 years. We also do not know the content of the documents, but I believe that one day the truth will be revealed – said in January 2019 the Borsnak.

Zambo is Jimmy’s great love

Women were fond of Jimmy Zámbo, he had them too, but he only had one true love. His secret and undisguised conquests did not last long, always returning to the love of his life, which was none other than his second wife, Mrs. Edit.
