János Slavik made an important statement about the massive tests


Massive testing for coronavirus antigens is unfortunate, said the chief physician of the National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases at South Pest Central Hospital.

According to János Szlávik, these tests can be used very well, for example, to test sick people in ambulances, or in closed communities where it is important to highlight those infected, the MTI statement cites.

PCR tests, using national detection samples, are more suitable to detect transfection in one country.

Mass screening is extremely useful, but it doesn’t solve the situation on its own, he said, adding that screening is helpful when positive people can be isolated from others, their connections can be explored, and the chain of infection can be stopped.

The first hospitals designated to treat the coronavirus are now almost completely full, so more and more capacities need to be opened, their chief physician said on Saturday.

János Slavik explained that the rising phase of the coronavirus epidemic is still observed, and it is not possible to know when the number of cases is expected to decrease.

More and more patients are being hospitalized, so more and more hospitals are expected to treat coronavirus patients, he added.

The chief physician also said that in the first wave of the epidemic it was already necessary to postpone planned surgeries, and unfortunately this also happened in the second wave.

John Slavik asked for the understanding of patients who already had a date for surgery, but that should be postponed.

With the increase in the number of cases, individual responsibility has become much greater, as the epidemic can only be stopped by the strict use of masks, disciplined behavior, disinfection and, if possible, avoiding mass events.

Everyone has a responsibility to make sure that if they are infected, they do not spread it to other people and try to protect themselves from infection.

The chief physician recalled that there are more than a hundred vaccine trials in the world, many of which are already in the phase of vaccinating tens of thousands of people to study the effects.

Regarding the vaccines registered at the end of the trials, everyone can be sure that they have no side effects and are effective against coronavirus, he said.

He said: Hungary also wants to buy vaccines in various places, because no country can acquire the same type of vaccine by itself, because it is not known how effective it is in the long term.

János Slavik called it conceivable that several coronavirus vaccines could be used.
