János Slavik: closing the entire school would be a health tragedy


According to the infectologist, “nobody knows what will happen.”

János Slavik told Mandiner about the increasingly tragic data, the average age of patients (now 76.1 years) sadly increases steadily, which explains why there are also more deaths in intensive care units. The South Pest Central Hospital chief physician had until now thought that the plateau phase would be in November (when the number of new infections would not increase, but would rise to one level) at the peak of the coronavirus epidemic.

no one can say what will happen.

the Viktor Orban On the austerity announced by the prime minister, he said, it will only come into effect after two weeks. János Szlávik is not very pro-school, because children are the least dangerous of the virus, and if

if the primary schools were closed, all the professionals, nurses, young doctors would stay at home with the child, and that would be a health tragedy ”.

Parents should not worry about the child, but about themselves and their grandparents. Regarding hospital capacities and the burden on the healthcare system, János Slavik made it clear that

If an intensive care unit is expanded one and a half times, it takes one and a half times more workers to care for patients.

On the fact that 3.3 percent of health workers have been infected with Covid-19 since the outbreak began, they said that the number is even lower and that their patients were not infected during their work, but by a child. , familiar, known at home.

According to the chief physician at South Pest Central Hospital, it is inevitable that so many victims will have younger victims, which also shows how dangerous the virus is.

It can also be a red flag for virus skeptics who may find that they vainly think that only the elderly die as a result of infection. (…) Behold, there are also young dead.

Dr. Slavik says that the so-called cytokine storm is difficult to process, that it also occurs in young people, and cannot be predicted. As you said, the difference between a coronavirus and the flu is huge. The latter is a respiratory viral disease with bacterial complications, while Covid-19 itself is dangerous, it causes pneumonia, myocardial infarction, uncomplicated stroke, and it is very difficult to get rid of it, there are many long-term symptoms.

The infectologist said about the patients, the young are more difficult to bear mentally, the middle-aged people who have been hospitalized are also older, the elderly are more used to the hospital, isolation and confinement are difficult for them.

Featured image: Márton Mohos / 24.hu
