János Lázár: The government’s plans include the displacement of foreign retail chains


He’s sending a war to the multis retailers János Lázár – writes agrarszektor.hu, reporting on the 2020 Agricultural Sector Conference online event organized by Portfolio Group. According to this, the former chancellor, government commissioner responsible for the Mezőhegyes stud farm, said that although the coronavirus epidemic has not ended yet, it can be said that an era in the world will end with the appearance of the virus and the lifting of the measures of quarantine.

His most important statement to Lazarus was that the government’s future plans include displacing foreign retail chains, for which they will follow an overtly protectionist policy. “We have to be offensive in this, because there have to be Hungarian national retailers,” he said.

An important question in the current situation is whether EU funds can be blocked for political reasons. And the answer is no. These are not benefits, but bonuses.

Lazaro said. At the same time, he added that he was not advocating for a Hungary outside the European Union.

The Fidesz politician affirmed that the countryside and agriculture are the two areas that did not win either during the regime change or during EU accession. According to János Lázár, today Hungary is a country of vehicles, because 50 percent of GDP comes from the automotive industry.

Despite the regime change and the two cycles of EU farm financing, Hungarian agriculture is lagging behind, we are a country that exports raw materials and imports finished products.

According to Lázár, to improve the situation of agriculture, it is necessary to consolidate into cooperatives, following the Polish model, or “strengthen the Hungarian processing industry so that Hungarian raw materials are processed by Hungarian companies, packed by Hungarian companies and sold in Hungarian stores “.

Featured Image: János Marjai /24.hu
