It’s no coincidence that many park on top of the curb cover: 3 things that can drown a car in the cold – Home


It is impossible not to take into account that weather conditions certainly affect the operation of the car, cold weather also has its drawbacks, and not only in terms of driving.

Anyone without a covered garage knows very well how tame it is to drive a car parked outside, especially on frosty mornings when you’re just in a rush to get somewhere.


It is not a coincidence that anyone who can park on the roof of a gutter can keep the car chassis relatively warm with the steam evaporating from the gutter. This way the fuel reaches the proper starting temperature sooner, but that is not all that matters.


Photo: eugenesergeev / Getty Images Hungary

Even when the battery is frozen, it cannot produce enough power, often enough to turn on the instrument panel lights and radio, but the vehicle can no longer be started. In such cases, a torus wire can be of great help. to the battery of another car properly connected, the engine can be started quickly.

If no one is around to call for help, the solution may be to leave the low beams on for a minute or turn on the heater to warm up the battery a bit and get it back to work more efficiently. Before turning the key in the starter, turn off all shock absorbers again to avoid wasting power.

Also, especially during extreme cold, you need to be careful not to completely drain the battery as it may even freeze, crack the case, and become completely unusable.

But it is not always the battery that is faulty, the cables can also be a problem, so you may want to do a maintenance on the car before winter so that any faults can be detected in time.

The fuel

As banal as it may sound, cooling runs out of fuel sooner as a result of cooling, which can also lead to suffocation. In winter, it has been proven that the car consumes more than in other seasons. The reason for this is to use fuel in the cold. May increase by 28%which is further increased by resistance caused by stronger winds. Therefore, in the winter months it should be borne in mind that the same amount of gasoline, sufficient for a trip in summer or spring and in milder autumns, can be scarce on cold and slippery roads.

The article continues after the recommender.

As a result, it is no coincidence that in summer, less sticky tires need to be swapped for winter tires with deeper treads, as this gripping force promotes fuel economy, not to mention the fact that accidents can also be prevented. due to slipping.

The electronic

In the cold, the electronic devices of the car are also subjected to increased stress, and the demisting of the windows, the heating of the seats and the heating of the frozen car as a whole absorb fuel all the time, the drastic reduction of which can lead to suffocation. .


Photo: esemelwe / Getty Images Hungary

Cooling water

In extreme cold, if not set correctly, even the cooling water can freeze. Although this is actually a very rare case, it is possible that without the proper amount of antifreeze, the liquid will crystallize in the system, which can form an ice plug. This prevents the coolant from circulating, which can cause the car to overheat, suffocate, and cause serious damage. It is worth moving to a service station before the onset of winter, where car experts can measure the freezing point of the coolant, the procedure of which costs only a few hundred florins, but can save hundreds of thousands in repair costs .

If the car suffocates

If you have not been able to start the car immediately, it is not worth trying to operate the starter motor for more than 10 seconds as it can cause permanent damage to the starter motor. Instead, please wait and try again in a few minutes. Make sure to change the summer oil for winter oil and also put antifreeze on the windshield wiper! If you are not sure what to do, have the car repaired.

Here’s how to ride safely in snow and frost: 5 tips from an expert

Driving safely in winter means something different than in other seasons. The following tips are worth following.

(Image Source: Getty Images Hungary)
