It’s like a normal world: SZFE teachers have announced who would start a class next school year


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In the fall, most of the young people who want to be admitted to the University of Theater and Motion Picture Arts have long searched where they would apply, many do not even run for the first time, take special lessons, practice, while instructors make plans and discuss the study plans.

But after the government-appointed board of directors, headed by Attila Vidnyánszky, began to function, the world was turned upside down with the university: the senate resigned, several key professors left permanently, students occupied the building and massive demonstrations were organized. Since the operation of the board of trustees is considered illegal, the citizens of the university will not accept the new directors appointed by the Vidnyánszky family, the new rector, the new vice-rectors or the two new directors of newly announced institutes. The university is empty, students and professors, and the board members face a series of legal processes and cannot even agree on whether education can take place in the institution: those interested want to learn and teach, but the new leadership would invalidate the entire semester. . Yesterday a government decree came out that allows this, which many at the university interpreted as a fact specifically for the SZFE case.

The October 23 demonstrationPhoto: András Dimény / Photo: András Dimény /

I also summarized the background so schematically to show how far it seems to be when admissions can begin for the next school year. However, time is running out, obviously many people do not even dial SZFE if they do not know what awaits them there. In any case, the faculty, as if there were the possibility of a normal course of business, announced who they envisioned starting a class next year.

However, its prospectus to 444 establishes that the listed professionals will only carry out the task if the government, that is, not the illegitimate board and the new direction designated by it, but the founding ministry, are willing to negotiate and guarantee them until it is announced. the hiring. to ask some key questions.

Below is the full text of the “Information from the SZFE Faculty of Teachers on the professional start-ups of the SZFE 2021/22 academic year”.

Institute of Theater Arts, University of Theater and Cinema, Cinema and
Faculty of Media, Institute of Theory and Art
defined the trainings that will begin in the 2021-22 school year and appointed the professional and pedagogical leaders of the classes.

Class teachers can be professionals and artists with significant educational experience, internationally recognized in their profession, worthy of SZFE’s 155-year tradition, and carried forward authentically and renewed. Its pedagogical concept guarantees that admitted students will continue to apply to an accredited university in the European Higher Education Area.

The institutes of the University of Theater and Film Arts have the following initiation classes
led by teachers:

  • Specialty in acting prose: Viktor Bodó, Attila Gigor, Attila Rácz, Zsófia Sgamosi
  • Theater playwright: Zsolt Győrei, Csaba Kiss
  • Film – cinematographic writing BA: László Csuja, Gergő V. Nagy
  • Film, film and television director BA: Viktor Oszkár Nagy, Áron Mátyássy
  • BA Film Production Organization: Judit Sós, Tamás Hutlā
  • BA cinematographer: János Vecsernyés, Tamás Babos
  • Film – BA film sound: Gábor Balázs, Tamás Zányi
  • Film – BA film montage: Réka Lemhényi, Tamás Kollányi
  • Bachelor of Television Programming: Péter Herman, Máté Szórád
  • MA film director: Ildikó Enyedi, Attila Gigor
  • Director of Photography MA: Tibor Máthé, Zoltán Dévényi
  • Master in Visual Design: Szabolcs Pálfi, Judit Radák

In addition, the trainings announced by the new management of SZFE (documentary
director, theater director, puppet actor, actor, music graduate, assistant director) have no information about the beginning teachers of the institutes and professors of the University.

The listed professors undertake the task if, before the December 20, 2020 opening of, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, which has the founding rights, initiates negotiations with the Quality Management Council, the HÖK and the maintainer, who fully represent the Faculty of Education of the University. , and the teaching community will receive reassuring guarantees to restore the authority of the Senate and announce the nomination of the rector.

At the same time, we hope that the new board of directors and maintenance of the SZFE will initiate legal strike negotiations with the strike committee on university autonomy and, above all, restore the administrative conditions for the fall semester.

We hope that the negotiations will bring peace and lead to a result, so that the University can welcome applicants in the spring with its internationally recognized teaching team.

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