It turned out who would be the successor of József Szájer


The nomination of a Fidesz member can be announced on Tuesday evening, as the electoral office has already been notified of the decision. József Szájer resigned from his mandate on January 2 of this year. According to the rules of the European Parliament, a vacancy must be filled “without delay”, but the entry into office can take place at a later date.

József Szájer, a former Fidesz MEP, participated in a sexual organization in Belgium that could not be carried out due to epidemiological restrictions, and then, when the police broke into the party, he tried to escape by the gutter. The police found him a drug, but József Szájer claimed that he had not used drugs.

Ernő Schaller-Baross was born in 1987. He will turn 34 at the end of January, the undersecretary of state speaks several foreign languages ​​in his mother tongue, has a law degree and was previously an advisor for foreign affairs to the parliamentary group Fidesz. Between 2013 and 2018, the Association also held the position of Director of External Relations of the Foundation for Civil Hungary.

Featured Image: Kecskemét, October 12, 2017 Ernő Schaller-Baross, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Pallas Athene Domus Educationis Foundation, will make a presentation at the Central European Civil Conference in Kecskemét on October 12, 2017. MTI Photo: Sándor Ujvári
