It turned out to be somewhat surprising about the 13-month pension.


An absolute majority of Hungarians agree that the Hungarian government will return the 13-month pension starting in February 2021, while 38 percent say this step is just a campaign to increase votes in the run-up to the 2022 elections, according to a recent public opinion poll for investigation. Budapest is also offline.

Most Hungarians (54 percent) agree that the Orbán government will return the 13-month pension gradually, but over four years. Within this, 36 percent justify the measure by claiming that additional benefits are needed due to the depreciation of pensions, and another 18 percent say that after twelve years, pensioners deserve to have a 13-month pension again (still abolished in 2009, during the previous economic crisis). and this benefit) – was revealed by a representative survey conducted by researcher Pulzus on behalf of

Of the 46 percent who voted against the measure, 38 percent of all respondents share the view that the measure is just one vote to prepare for the upcoming elections in the spring of 2022, while 8 percent believe that the money for a 13-month pension is more those in trouble due to a coronavirus epidemic must be rescued.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced on April 6 that the four years will be phased out they rebuild their 13-month pension. It is planned that, for the first time in February 2021, in addition to the January pension, retirees one more week pensions they then receive two weeks in 2022, three weeks in 2023, and in 2024 and subsequent years always an additional month.

According to experts, the burden on the pension fund will increase significantly due to this previously unplanned expense. And because of the benefit start time, it certainly can’t help ease retirees’ financial worries at the time of the current coronavirus epidemic. Since the amount of a month’s pension is currently around HUF 280 billion, pensioners will receive approximately HUF 70 billion when paying the first quarterly payment.

Since the average pension was 142,114 HUF in January 2020, this could be 147,800 HUF from January next year, assuming an increase of four percent, so the average pensioner can receive an additional 36,950 HUF in early 2021 .

At the same time, it is not yet known how the government will solve the technique of increasing pensions for four years and whether the benefits will be integrated into the basic pension. It is not yet clear whether this new payment will also apply to pension benefits.

This is what you need to know about research.

The survey was conducted by interviewing 1,000 people, and the responses represent the opinion of the Hungarian adult population. This means that the data, according to gender, age, education and type of settlement, reflect the opinion of the adult population over 18 years according to the data of the Hungarian population.

Research also shows that 53 percent of men agree to rebuild their 13-month pension, but 47 percent do not, which is a truly divisive problem for them. The situation is only slightly clearer for women, with a rate of 54:46 percent. On the other hand, a significant difference is that women tend to justify their supportive attitude with the gradual devaluation of pensions, while men are stronger in the opinion that after 12 years, stakeholders deserve this benefit. additional.

There is no significant difference between the sexes in rejection.

A recent poll for also confirmed the old proposition that as someone gets older and closer to retirement age, the topic of retirement becomes increasingly important to them. While 30 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 39 referred to pension depreciation, this proportion was 40 percent among those older than them. A similar leap appears in the case of the “retirees deserve” argument.

There are also serious differences between the different age groups in the field of rejectors. Almost half of adults under the age of 40 (44 percent) believe that this measure, rather than crisis management, is a campaign to collect votes in preparation for the upcoming elections in the spring of 2022, a rate of only 30 percent among people ages 40 to 59, compared to 60 percent. older and older (that is, those about to retire and retired) this rate is 36 percent.

Particularly among young people, there is a strong belief (12 percent) that tens of billions for a 13-month retirement should be spent on rescuing those in trouble due to the coronavirus epidemic; then the rate will drop to a third from age 60.

The investigation of the pulse also found serious differences of opinion according to education. As higher education in Hungary also means significantly higher expected earnings, it is not surprising that there is a particularly high level of agreement among those with primary education to revive the 13-month pension, as two thirds (66%) support it, mainly emphasizing ensuring the value of pensions. In contrast, the proportion of supporters is 48% among those with a secondary education, while it is only 26% among graduates.

For those who vote no, the proportions are reversed. 74 percent of graduates do not support the government’s plan, and the vast majority (61 percent) clearly see the measure as political action, a rate of 27 percent among those with basic education.

There are also serious differences between the views of Budapest residents and those living in other parts of the country regarding the 13-month pension. According to the breakdown by type of settlement, only 38 percent of those living in the capital support this government decision. The absolute majority of people living in Budapest (51 percent) are of the opinion that this is basically a government voting measure that really considers the 2022 vote. Also among capitalists, the strongest opinion is that This money should be spent more on tackling the economic crisis caused by a pandemic – interestingly, 10 percent of those living in the villages also voted for this, but there is a weaker political thread.
