It is planned to lift the quarantine in France in three stages


The French government will gradually lift the general quarantine for the coronavirus epidemic in three steps by January 2021, it said. Gabriel attal Government spokesman in an interview with the Sunday magazine Le Journal du Dimanche. “Mitigation will be implemented in three stages depending on the evolution of the epidemic and the risks of related activities: first around December 1, then before the year-end holidays and finally from January 2021,” he cited the government spokesman to the MTI confirming that the epidemic had improved. so trading can resume in a week with a view to Christmas, after December is one of the most important periods in terms of sales.

The restaurants, which authorities consider the most vulnerable to the spread of the virus, have yet to open and curfew restrictions remain in place for now. However, the trains will be running at full capacity as of December 14, and tickets can also be booked, from which it can be concluded that from that moment on, the abandonment ban can be lifted.

Emmanuel macron In a televised speech Tuesday night, the French head of state will explain when the restriction can be lifted. Above all, the president wants to eliminate uncertainty and create predictability for the coming weeks. “There is nothing worse than insecurity and the feeling that the mood will never end,” the president told the newspaper. “We need coherence, clarity, direction. That we all know where we are going and how to get there. This is difficult because the essence of a pandemic is that it is unpredictable and affects the entire world. But confidence is the key to success in itself, ”Emmanuel Macron said in an interview with Sunday.

The second wave of the epidemic peaked earlier this week in France with 33,000 hospital admissions and 4,900 critically ill patients in intensive care units, and the numbers have been declining since. The virus has a reproduction rate of less than 1, which means that not all infected people transmit the infection, but the epidemic indicators remain at the same level as when the night curfew was announced. And the restrictions will only be fully lifted, according to the government, if the daily number of cases falls below 5,000. In nine major cities, a night curfew for 20 million people went into effect on October 17, which was extended to two-thirds of French people a week later and then quarantined across the country as of October 30. October. Authorities released 17,881 new nights on Saturday, 5,000 fewer than Friday, a fraction of the record of more than 60,000 two weeks ago. The death toll rose 276 to 48,518 from 348 the day before. There are currently 31,365 people hospitalized, 4,500 of them in serious condition.

The government spokesman also indicated that France had signed contracts with three vaccine manufacturers, negotiations were well “advanced” with three others and was negotiating with others, “for an average of 30 million vaccines per contract.” Making vaccination mandatory divides French politicians, a spokesman said a decision could be made later.

Featured image: Pascal GUYOT / AFP
