It is likely endemic to the coronavirus.


This year, the world has become quite familiar with the concept of pandemic: due to the coronavirus, the word is spoken almost daily, that is, an epidemic of large numbers of people, infectious diseases that affect several countries or continents, and even To the whole world. It is up to the World Health Organization (WHO) to decide when an epidemic is a pandemic.

Experts say that while it is very difficult to predict what the fate of COVID-19 will be, the disease will not go away even with the development of a vaccine. It is much more likely to become endemic, IFL Science writes.

Endemic means that a routine and massive outbreak of an epidemic disease in a specific area: if vaccination against the coronavirus is achieved and herd immunity is achieved at some level (although it is not yet known how this will happen), it remains the most the epidemic is likely to become endemic rather than pandemic. This may be because there will always be communities where it can survive, where adequate flock immunity cannot be achieved.

Photo: Ye Aung THU / AFP

It is also possible that the virus persists in communities, but causes a very low number of illnesses. This is also called endemic. Such is the case with malaria: because only certain areas have the proper system of action and medicine for the disease, it still infects in the same way in many places and causes epidemics in different communities.

Strictly speaking, an endemic occurs when a person passes the infection to at least one other person in an epidemic situation, that is, the reproductive number is 1. Even in an endemic situation, there are many possible scenarios, but one thing seems certain: the coronavirus it goes nowhere, it stays with us for a long time. still.
