It is illegal for existing workers to strike, according to the court.


A statement was issued on Friday by the Foundation for the Arts of Theater and Film and the direction of the University of Theater and Film Arts. We announce without changes:

The order of first instance of the Metropolitan Court determined that the strike initiated by the employees of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts was illegal.

The SZFE Strike Committee had previously filed eight – first six and then two more – exact claims against the employer, the SZFE management, two points of which were complied with by the SZFE management. Based on these two points, SZFE management will provide an additional 30% salary increase to university employees as of January 1, 2021, in addition to the 10% employee salary increase indicated in the strike claim, and accepted the claim that employees work.

The strike started on the basis of the six additional points set out in the strike claim was declared illegal by the Metropolitan Court for each point one by one.

Furthermore, in the case of the two points accepted by the SZFE management, the court also ruled that the strike was initiated by the workers before the expiration of the statutory period for consultation prior to the mandatory strike.

The members of the Strike Committee, Kata Csató, Judit Veszprémi, Gábor Németh, Péter Forgács and dr. György Karsai SZFE employees were forced to go on an illegal strike. We urge those involved in the strike to continue their work under the direction of the university leadership!
