It became clear why the government had not received more modern vaccines until now.


It’s more expensive than Pfizer and its delivery terms are less favorable: The government explained to RTL News why they hadn’t taken more Modern coronavirus vaccines so far.

Previously, Telex reported that the EU-licensed Moderna vaccine was also part of the EU vaccine purchase, of which Hungary would receive 3.5 million doses in proportion to the population, but the Hungarian government concluded that half of this, 1.74 million doses. Neither the operational personnel nor the State Department responded to the portal’s request for the reason.

The RTL Newsletter also asked the government if it was true that they could buy more Moderna vaccines than they had.

“The mechanism of action of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is very similar, but Pfizer has been able to provide more favorable customer pricing and delivery terms. So far, the government has not seen the need to purchase additional doses of Moderna,” he reported the coronavirus. said the center.

American Moderna, like Pfizer, is a modern mRNA-based vaccine, but it is more affordable to store and does not require refrigeration as low as Pfizer. – ed.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has repeatedly said that the price of the vaccine should not be an obstacle to procurement: “time is more important than the current price of the vaccine.”

The opposition DK spoke two days ago that the government had not bound the entire EU framework for political reasons to shoot the Chinese by pointing to Brussels. Klára Dobrev MEP, a member of the European Parliament, does not even understand why the country bought the most expensive Chinese vaccine.

RTL News has asked the government how much the Moderna vaccine will cost and how much the others will cost, but has yet to receive a response.
