István Szilágyi’s son was arrested for the murder of his father.


MARTON TIBOR on the first anniversary of his death. We will preserve your memory with endless love, you will live in our hearts forever. Your beloved wife, daughter and grandchildren.

“Wherever you are, where I have known, I have seen, Dream or in reality, and reality or in our dreams, because in vain the years pass, the memories are preserved by the heart, never forgotten.” We remember with pain and eternal love the words of Mrs. VORTMANNÉ ILONA on the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of her death. Husband, son, grandchildren and brothers.

We are deeply informed that SÁNDORNÉ BOROS Erzsébet Kovács, a former pensioner of the highway administrator, passed away at the age of 85. His burial will take place on May 5, 2020, at 2 p.m. from the ceremonial hall of the public cemetery in Pécs. The grieving family

“I left because I had to go, I would have stayed, but I couldn’t. Keep it in your heart and I will be with you forever.” Heartbroken, I report to everyone who knew and loved that my dear good husband, LUCZA IMRE, a Szentlőrinc surveyor and real estate manager, had unexpectedly died of a brief and serious illness at the age of 62. His burial after cremation will take place on May 5, 2020 at 2 pm in the Szentlőrinc Cemetery. His beloved wife

We heartily announce that JÓZSEF KALÁNYOS, a resident of Kővágószőlős, died unexpectedly at the age of 57. His funeral will be on May 5, 2020 at 2 p.m., in the Kővágószőlős Cemetery. The grieving family

“We carry flowers to a silent grave, but we can no longer bring him back. We know you will not come, but it is so good to wait, to lie to the heart that cannot hurt. Although you were very dear to us, we miss you, we will never forget it.” We remember the seventh anniversary of the death of ISTVÁN GYARMATI with endless pain. Your loving mother and family

We inform you with heart pain that my beloved wife, mother and brother DR. TIBORNÉ BALOGH Elta Patta was a resident of Heroes’ Square and died suddenly at the age of 65. We will accompany you on your last trip on May 6, 2020 at 1 pm in the Pécs public cemetery. Mourning for loved ones

We announce with heart pain that my beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother and dear relative, our friend JÓZSEF HEGEDŐS, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 66. His burial will be on May 2, 2020 at 2 p.m. in the Berkesd Cemetery. Mourning for loved ones

We announce with heartbreak that my dear mother, my grandmother JÓZSEFNÉ KOLLÁR Anna Szabó, a former Pécs resident, died in silence on April 24, 2020, after her farewell to loved ones, blessed with sacraments and resting on her soul . His ashes will be deposited in Drávakeresztúr in the cemetery of his beloved homeland in a small family circle. Mourning for loved ones

“There is a handful of light, a sea of ​​sadness, a deep silence left behind you.” To all who accompany him on his last journey and share our deep pain.

We inform everyone who knew and loved that LÁSZLÓNÉ BENCZE Márta Berzéki had died of a serious and incurable disease at the age of 82 with deep pain. His burial will take place on May 4, 2020 at 2.30 pm in the Pécs public cemetery. We thank everyone who will accompany you on your last trip. The grieving family

We announce with deep pain and a broken heart that KÁROLY CSABA MOLNÁR passed away on April 14, 2020 with a tragic abruptness. His earthly remains will be buried in the public cemetery of Pécs, along with his father. After the epidemic threat is suspended, the family notifies the deceased’s friends, colleagues and acquaintances of the date of the funeral. His memory lives in our hearts forever! The grieving family

Heartbroken, we announce that my beloved husband, my father, BÉLA TÉÁS NYIRI, passed away after a serious illness in the 62nd year of his life. His funeral will take place on May 4, 2020 at 12 noon from the great ceremonial hall of the Pécs public cemetery. Mourning for loved ones

“The journey that has now ended has been struggling, your tired body has rested. Make your final journey in peace, our love will accompany you to your heavenly home.” We announce with deep pain that my beloved husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather, great-grandfather, VILMOS HEILMANN, died at 84 years of the life of a retiree at the Thermal Power Plant. He will be buried in a small family circle on April 30, 2020 at 11 a.m. in the Egerág cemetery. Please do not condemn. We thank all who share our pain in some way. The grieving family
