István Hollik caught the impulse


“Joy is an ugly thing, for everyone to recover from Covid, including members of the government.” But let’s face it, there is a certain sense of karma in the fact that István Hollik caught him, and Gergely Gulyás, Balázs Orbán and who else knows who should be quarantined, the municipal representative of Momentum in Józsefváros mocked. Szegas Koppány Bendegúz continued: mainly because there has been no meaningful contact investigation so far. Of course, now that there are “important” people involved, it will be safe.

This was not the first callous display of momentum. A month ago, on a social site, he put it this way: An alternative to unsuccessful demos is to have blood flow.

Someone commented on the event that “you can have blood, burn trash, break the windshield, blow up a party house or stay home anyway” …

The ex-gyurcsányista Szarvas Koppány also joined this line of thought. “Well, this is at least an alternative,” commented the municipal representative of the Barrio del Siglo, and confirmed it when someone asked him if it was serious now.

Before all this, on the day of national unity, he called those who remember the peace dictatorship of Trianon a Hungarian competition, of pose and of Trianon painful. In the spring he threatened to be hanged, and in the Facebook post of the municipal representative of Józsefváros, he wished the Fidesz politicians a lamp.

Fidesz en Józsefváros requested the resignation of the Captain’s representative, but Szarvas did not want to resign.

István Hollik became a coronary virus, so Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, and his deputy, Balázs Orbán, were placed in official home quarantine because they met with the Fidesz communications director at an event of the Saturday. István Hollik was also a member of the Tranzit organizing committee, and due to his contagion it was decided to cancel the event scheduled for the weekend for security reasons, in which Prime Minister Viktor Orbán would also have spoken. Since then, many pro-government politicians have found themselves in official quarantine as contact persons, and on Friday, László Trócsányi, a member of the European Parliament, was discovered to have contracted the coronavirus.

Hungarian nation
