István György: Riot scenes occurred at only one or two vaccination sites


In Hungary, they are progressing well and smoothly with coronavirus vaccines; There is no reason to deviate from this vaccination program, the secretary of state to the prime minister responsible for territorial administration, head of the national vaccination working group, told public media on Monday.

György István featured: Hungary is implementing one of the most successful vaccination programs in the European Union.

Numbers are stubborn things

– stated, adding that according to the international report, Hungary is 17.7 percent, taking into account all injections, making it the second largest in the EU.

He said that the administration of the AstaZeneca vaccines, which had been postponed from the previous week, had been carried out successfully this week, without problems or problems.

István György stated that in most places the vaccinations were carried out without disturbances or riots, there were only one or two tumultuous scenes. He mentioned the Ferenc Jahn Hospital as an example, but said that this problem was also eliminated within an hour. The Secretary of State pointed out that there are still many who arrive at the vaccination site long before the specified date.

The head of the national vaccination working group pointed out that Monday and Tuesday are still from the vaccination week, but there is also a plan for next week. But there will be fewer vaccines available next week. Hospital vaccination sites will be vaccinated with Pfizer and GPs will be vaccinated with AstraZeneca.

István György thanked everyone who participated in the administration of the vaccines and their administration. He also stressed that an essential element of the vaccination program is that whoever is registered must go to be vaccinated.

He said vaccine supplies to the EU remained stagnant. Now they have been notified that Hungary will receive hundreds of thousands less in the AstraZeneca vaccine in the next period. He noted that it also appears that the Hungarian government made the right decision when it also acquired vaccines from the east – Russia and China. It will also help them move the vaccination program efficiently and quickly, he stated.

He also said that a lot of misinformation about vaccines circulates.

Our political opponents are trying to take advantage of everything

– emphasized that these accusations are unfounded. He called it unfounded, for example, not using the vaccines he received. He said the National Center for Public Health needs to inspect incoming shipments, which is a longer process. However, available and administrable vaccines are being administered, he said.

István György said: More than 5,500 vaccination sites are available in the current scheduled vaccination phase. There will be almost 7,000 vaccination sites in the mass vaccination phase. He said that there are municipalities that are showing a lot of activity and installing vaccines, but there is no need for that at the moment. The number of vaccines is sufficient, he said, adding that vaccines will come out of the health system if there is a special reason for it.
