Is there really a shortage of doctors? According to EMMI, the figures show the opposite


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The statement comments on an open letter to Miklós Kásler, president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber, saying that “the first sentence is a big mistake.”

As they write, EMMI’s epidemic management strategy has not changed since the spring prescribing:

Even now, healthcare centers are being opened in stages, concentrating patients and professionals mainly in institutions with extensive experience and expertise.

In line with the dynamics of the epidemic, doctors and nurses are being reassigned from hospitals that are not currently involved in infection control, they add.

Anyone who talks about the lack of capacity is intentionally biased or ignorant of the facts.

they write.

They add that 47% of Hungarian beds are not sick, so a significant part of the hospital’s capacity is free.

There is a bed, there is equipment and there is a specialist. We don’t have to stop any elective care, as the MOK president is now proposing.

-to write.

The risk of spreading the infection and developing hospital foci is minimized by concentrating the treatment of COVID patients in a few hospitals, EMMI adds.

They add that the proportion of referred physicians and specialists can only be measured in thousandths of all health workers.

We order 4 per thousand doctors and only 2 per thousand professionals to cure the most serious coronavirus patients. While 47 percent of hospital beds are not patients.

“There are beds, there are devices and there are people. Hungarian healthcare is able to perform the tasks associated with the increasing number of patients and cure all patients,” the institution concludes.

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