Is it possible to put a security guard next to each virus?


The great international human experiment in Budapest, which was played as a Super Cup (Bayern-Sevilla 2-1), is over, but they won’t tell you with what result. It was the first international betting match in Europe to be held in front of spectators since the outbreak.

If we start from the number of people wearing masks in the stadium, there is a surprisingly high probability that not everyone in the Puskás Arena will be crowned. The mask was mandatory at the entrance, but even after the control, the spectators did not feel that they had to rip the mask off their face, as if they were to greet a 95-year-old aunt as a Fidesz politician.

The mask was defeated at most by the selfie. It is not a “smile!” I came across jokes from those who photographed their partner in poses, to which at least once the answer was definitely “I already have the dick” and the mask slid into the power of the photo. But anyway, she really had the mask on her face instead of in her pocket.

Based on the preliminary rules and the group of security guards (or butlers, whatever you like) hired to enforce them, I expected it to feel like it was trying to distribute disclosure videos made at Uyghur re-education camps.

For example:

  • Avoid face-to-face contact when moving or moving from your seat;
  • Just sit and drink while sitting;

In comparison, an hour before the game, it was possible to drink beer without problems (990 florins / jug) in hand, but ten minutes before 9 o’clock started, they really started to send people to their place. They weren’t even surprised when you got up from your seat.

The buffet could be reached via a ribbon snake even if there was no one in line and a special security rested on the hand sanitizer, recommending it to your attention.

There was also a security guard in front of the bathroom, also with a hand sanitizer. It didn’t hurt because the pins and handle inside the toilet were a common treasure, neither of them were contactless.

I don’t quite understand why if the goal is not to let the fans go to the buffet at the same time during the break, then during the match on the projector on the counters why are the prices displayed, why not the broadcast of the match, so as not to miss the thirsty drukker.

While wondering again why the 150 billion stadium saved on the size of the projectors. The fantastic innovation, on the other hand, is that sometimes Google logs in live and says:

“Confirmation of the half-time result: FC Bayern one, Sevilla FC one”.

The seats were assigned so that those who bought the tickets together could sit next to each other, forming virological rather than biological families. But whoever bought one was just like me. They actually omitted at least four chairs each to the right and left, recording those that fall within the crown area.

So I saw this turning right:

Do this on the left.

Which is at least for sure, you don’t have to prepare a lot of people and you can put one foot on the chair in front of you, but it’s pretty weird in a match. Thus, one becomes a mere spectator from a fan to a mere spectator.

Which is not a bad experience anyway, if two teams of the same level are playing, which is definitely not the case on the Hungarian field in recent decades. I draw Kele’s analyzes in my head, Lewandowski, for example, does a lot of work that is not broadcast on TV, Neuer if he can, he reaches the middle, it is amazing to see how four bayernes catch a Spaniard from time to time when after how much I healed with a fastball.

Although only a third of the seats in the Puskás Arena were sold for safety reasons, only a fraction of the tickets they were offered were requested by Sevilla fans, and then the Bayern drivers were spooked by the Hungarian epidemic, especially after the Bavarian Prime Minister expressed concern. At times the voices of the few spectators filled the stadium. Players are visibly hungry to play in front of the spectators, the mixed atmosphere for close goalkeeping matches is only heard on broadcasts. One of the Sevillians, in a more difficult period for them in the second half, tried to set fire to the Spanish camp of around 300, with success.


Neuer also regularly applauded the slightly more populated Bavarian camps, but still a handful. Some of whom, by the way, weren’t wearing a mask with the security guards popping up around them a few steps from them, but instead were leaving. They were probably with him and if they brought a virus they would share it and leave soon anyway. They weren’t far enough away to join as spotlights.


In any case, after winning the cup, none of the Bayern players remembered to celebrate by hugging the fans. At the end of the final of the Hungarian Cup, which was also held in Puskás in early June, the winning Honvéd coach and a couple of players also forgot about the celebration. The victorious Bavarians also stayed away from their own camp.

Which was revealed on two occasions that there are also Hungarian viewers. When, at the announcer’s call, they applauded the 500 health workers invited to the stadium in the middle of the second wave of the epidemic, guided by some strange idea. And when Ria-ria Hungária rang in the 72nd minute.

It was an instructive experiment, primarily for MLSZ. Because not only will Sané and Lewandowski not be there for the weekend’s NBI round, but there are no jumping chairs or masks to wear, there is no staff limit in the bathroom, and there is no hand sanitizer or lock on the buffet. Because MLSZ doesn’t require it, unlike UEFA. It is true that they have just seen how it could be.
