Introducing Czech billionaire Zdenek Bakala, who finances the latest Hungarian left-wing newspaper


Raising awareness of migrants and sexual minorities is the main theme of camps for journalists organized by Zdeněk Bakala, one of the main sponsors of the Index, Origo said. Only those of organs that are closely related to György Soros can perform in the camps. Bakala revealed this week to donate $ 200,000 to his 70 new index cards. As is known, the employees of the left-wing propaganda newspaper created a false conflict with the owner in July and almost a hundred resigned. No, not because of a lack of press freedom, but because they received a better offer. Now it is clear what it is. So, of course, it’s even more comical to look at the photos when the fired Index workers pretend to cry to pretend they are forced to leave. By the way, many points of contact have emerged between the wealthy Czech media entrepreneur and the American stock market speculator. Bakala previously founded institutes that later received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Soros Foundation. The Czech billionaire also attended a conference where Soros spoke in person.

This week, Economia, one of the largest Czech publishers, made a letter of intent to donate € 200,000 to a new website organized by the fired indexers, which does not yet have a website. Economy Zdeněk Bakala is owned by a Czech billionaire. Zdeněk Bakala is only known to many as “Czech Soros”. The businessman also has a foundation that bears his own surname, although in terms of size and activity much smaller than Soros’s, the Bakala Foundation mainly awards scholarships for higher education. Zdeněk Bakala is the owner of the left-wing newspaper Respekt.Bakala, with assets of approximately $ 1 billion, acquired Economia in 2006, while establishing its foundation in 2007. Bakala currently lives in Switzerland.

Zdenek Bakala trains Czech billionaire journalists to raise awareness of immigrant issuesSource: Hungarian Nation

Bakala organizes training camps in journalism

It has now been revealed that the Bakala Foundation organizes annual journalism training camps (“Journey”) called “Journey”. Based on its 2018 annual report, from gathering resources and interviews to writing and reporting. The program has highlighted the myriad of tasks that characterize journalism today, especially the problem of misinformation and propaganda. ”During the training, each student is required to submit, report, and write a longer article on a prescribed topic.

Interestingly, the 2018 camp was led by experts from CNN, The Washington Post, and The New Yorker, among others, who also invited speakers from the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, among others. . These bodies are linked by the fact that they are closely linked to George Soros and never say a single critical sentence about the American stock market speculator. On the other hand, they are quite critical of the right wing and, in particular, of President Donald Trump.

High degree of awareness of migrants

In 2018, the program was open to students from 13 countries, with 99 applications, of which 20 were selected to participate from 11 countries. In 2016, one of the participants (Hungarians) wrote an essay entitled “Europe’s New Iron Curtain”, in which he criticized the closure of the Hungarian border, and the writing spoke of xenophobic legislation and government hate campaigns.

The main theme of the 2017 camp was “populism.” This year, the Best Writing Award went to a paper on how Trump’s 2018 budget proposal makes it difficult for Latino immigrants living on the Texas-Mexico border to earn a living. A classic sensitizing and emotionally influential writing that illustrates the situation of immigrants living on the Texas-Mexico border through the example of Teresa de Lozoya, 69, from Latin, “Teresa feeds her six grandchildren with a bank of food or the rest of the church meal program. ” Another participant received the award “Best use of multimedia for integration” for his writing “How food helps refugees to feel at home in Austria”. The article deals with social enterprises that appeared in Vienna to help the integration of immigrants from the Middle East into Austrian society. The writing is also very sensitive:
“Mohamad Alfar serves behind the bar, working naturally and masterfully on his next order. In an instant, he’s bringing drinks to a group of gentlemen who are having lunch at the restaurant, and in seconds, he’s preparing the mint lemonade for the next cocktail while happily passing through lounge music. With its elegant and confident movements, it fills you with intimacy as if you were at home.

Raising awareness of the problems of migrants plays an important role in the camps organized by Bakala (Illustration of our image)Source: AFP / Francois Lo Presti

Training participants do not like the law that invariably prohibits

Among the students’ writings produced under the 2019 program is an article entitled “The Voice of Migrants”, which features a special Warsaw radio broadcasting specifically to migrants and immigrants from abroad. The radio broadcasts in seven languages, including Arabic and Georgian. The radio was created in 2015 when the migration crisis broke out, the idea came from Germany, where there is also a special radio for migrants. “I wanted to show the diversity of Poland; to expand the identity of Poles and the perception of their country,” said one of the radio hosts. , Alexis Angulo, who came from Mexico City.

An article was also written titled “Lithuania Against Transgender People: It’s God’s Sin”. The letter is about the Lithuanian government asking for an amendment to the Civil Code that would prohibit gender reassignment in the country. The Lithuanian LGBT community argued that such legislation would break human destinies and force people to emigrate. The article spoke to a transgender psychologist, Grytė Ruzgė: “My heart often hurts when great people who could do a lot of good for Lithuania leave the country.”

In 2018, Bakala celebrated the centenary of the birth of Czechoslovakia in Washington. Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State in the Clinton Administration, also attended the event.Source: Lubos Krec

“The drama of migrants who want to escape from Romania” describes a Syrian woman who wanted to reach Germany but finally obtained protection in Romania. “I wanted to die more times than to live here in Romania. But I thought about my baby,” she said. According to the article, in Romania, immigrants receive 3.4 EUR per day during the asylum procedure, but the aid will cease once the procedure is completed.

In Germany, however, there is a grant of 400 euros per month even after refugee status has been granted. According to the Syrian woman, she received around 500 euros a month in Germany (where she lived for a year and a half before being sent back to Romania), although she did not work. In short, the essence of the annual “Journey” is that leftist journalists train applicant students, who then write articles in their spirit.

Bakala would have ruined 40,000 families, the state had to help

It is also important to mention that in his inaugural speech in 2018, the Czech Head of State, Milos Zeman, harshly criticized various media outlets, including those in Bakala’s interest, accusing them of bias. Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis also criticized the former Bakala-owned coal company OKD, which the state had to save. According to Babis Zdenek Bakala destroyed an entire region and deceived the people, depriving them of 40,000 homes. We had to save the company and the jobs when I was finance minister. We took responsibility not only for 7,000 employees, but for the entire company, which was completely in disarray, but the industry in the region depended on it.

Close connection with Soros

In 2007, Bakala also participated in the Policy Association for an Open Society conference with György Soros. In this lecture, Soros reflected on creating an open society. The Bakala Foundation supports The Aspen Institute Central Europe, which is also supported by The Aspen Institute and The Aspen Institute Germany. The Aspen Institute and the Aspen Institute in Germany are on the payroll of the Open Society Foundations (OSF). The Aspen Institute received $ 590,000 between 2016 and 2018, while the German institute received more than $ 347,000 in funding in 2017.

Bakala initiated the opening of the Central European Aspen Institute for Education and Political Science, which confirmed that in addition to financial support, he also ideologically agreed with György Soros. The Aspen Institute stood up for Bakala when his person was understandably targeted for corporate abuse by OKD of the coal industry.

The relationship between Soros and Bakala is very closeSource: Origo

One important connection is Soros’s MDIF, the publisher of, the co-owner of Magyar Jeti Zrt. There is no direct connection between them and the Czech billionaire Zdeněk Bakala (only ideological identity). While 444 received money directly from MDIF, Soros’ organization, it will go to Bakala, a new newspaper for former indexers, which, together with Soros, will support the self-started Aspen Institute for Central European Political Science. The fact that Bakala and Soros participated in an open society conference together, and that Bakala owns liberal left-wing press outlets, which the Czech president called heavily biased, reveals more about their entanglement and their identity of value.

Czech billionaire supporting Telex did business with owner of Central Media Group

As previously reported, Zdenánk Bakala, a Czech businessman, had a business relationship with Zoltán Varga, owner of the Central Group. The latter operates the news portal, which was the first to leak the restructuring plans that emerged on the Index. According to documents in the Magyar Nemzeti Bank disclosure database containing capital market participants, at the end of 2017, BC Central Europe Savings Limited owned 10,000 Zrt shares. According to the world economy BC Central Europe Savings Limited belongs to the Bakala Crossroads group, registered by Zdeněk Bakala in the Czech Republic and Péter Kádas, a Canadian citizen of Hungarian origin.

Zoltán Varga, the head of the Central Media Group and Bakala used to do business togetherSource: Central Media Group

Based on all this, the existence of the relationship seemed clear, but Zoltán Varga was also contacted, exposing the previous data, inquiring if he was still in contact with the Czech billionaire businessman and if he could have influenced the sponsorship decision. Regarding the relationship system described in great detail, the Hungarian businessman wrote to the World Economy that he has not had a relationship with Bakala since 2014. How plausible is this, knowing, according to Ripost, he called Zoltán Varga in business, referring to its previous septic era, which everyone should decide for themselves.

And to what extent can it be considered a mere coincidence that outbound indexers had already formed a company days before quitting and that this particular company is being used for their new card?
