Instead of distraught farmers, they bought potatoes and apples from the county chairman of the Chamber of Agriculture as a Christmas gift for foreign affairs.


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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs bought potatoes and apples from a single person, Imre Rácz, in December 2020, and then gave them as a Christmas present to their employees, according to data requested by Transparent.

According to a letter sent to Népszava in December, the ministry wrote: “Organizing daily life is a serious challenge for all people in a difficult epidemic period, and the ministry wants to provide colleagues with a practical gift package for the Christmas holidays. ”. At the time, all he could know was that the love package contained a good quality box of Szabolcs apples (7 kg) and 10 kg of potatoes from domestic producers.

A few days later, Tamás Menczer, Secretary of State for the State Department, said in a Facebook video “The ministry bought crops from struggling farmers in Szabolcs, from those who cannot sell the products in the current difficult situation. These purchased crops are delivered to the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ”.

Following the publication of the articles, Transparente submitted a request for public data to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and asked them in 2020 how much, from which producers, under what contract they bought vegetables and fruits to reward Ministry employees. Of Foreign Affairs. Instead of submitting the contract, the ministry eventually sent a three-line response stating that

“2020. In 2006, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade bought 1,000 bags of 10 kg of potatoes and 1,000 trays (7 kg / tray) of mixed apples from Imre Rácz, with a total gross value of 2,499,995 HUF ”.

In other words, the farmers in Szabolcs in trouble = Imre Rácz, who is the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county president of the National Chamber of Agriculture.

Transparent also contacted Imre Rácz, who responded that he said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had already given the answers, “he did not want to add anything.”

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