Index – Technology – Sony is prohibited from banning PlayStation 5 in Brazil


Taking advantage of a loophole, PlayStation 5 users around the world have been misled – the PlayStation Plus collection of PS4 games has been offered to PS4s for money. The Punishment: All of these players’ PS5 consoles have become unusable. According to a Brazilian court, this is already an exaggeration.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, the saying goes, and it can be seen somewhere in this story. This all started with the fact that Sony announced to PlayStation 5 gamers in September this year that owners of the next-gen console would receive a special collection (as long as they are PlayStation Plus subscribers) that had a previous PS4. contains classics. There are a total of 20 games, with the following titles:

  • Bloodborne
  • Days gone
  • Detroit: become human
  • God of War
  • Infamous second son
  • Ratchet and Clank
  • The last guardian
  • The Last of Us Remastered
  • Until sunrise
  • Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
  • Batman: Arkham Knight
  • Battlefield 1
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Zombies Chronicles Edition
  • Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
  • Fallout 4
  • Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
  • Monster Hunter: World
  • Mortal Kombat X
  • Person 5
  • Resident Evil 7 biohazard

It was also an understandable “charity” somewhere, as very few new games were released for the new console early in its life cycle, so they tried to please those who had entered the new generation of PlayStation with these. old games too.

Hundreds of millions of PS4 players are sad

The not-so-empathetic solution “only” could have been “resented” by 100 million PS4 owners, as they didn’t get this special PlayStation Plus collection. At this point, the story could have stopped, at best a sore spot in the souls of PS4 players that Sony had “detected” with them in this way.

However, the Japanese company made the mistake of making the PlayStation Plus collection in question available (probably by accident) to those who still had a PS4, but were somehow able to log into a PlayStation 5 with their account and activate it there individually. . the games in the collection.

That in itself still wouldn’t be a devilish thought, since if someone has a PS5 and a PS4, why not play the old games of the previous generation? (If a gaming buggy could be on a PS5, something like this could happen.) But here’s the loophole: some of the gamers who got a PlayStation 5 (which was notoriously not easy as the kits broke very quickly, making it a worldwide shortage at Christmas was the next-gen console), guided by A refined business sense, for money, they were offered the opportunity to log into their own PS5 with an account of trapped players on PS4 and activate the addresses in question for them.

“The bicycle was pushed”

All of this, of course, is a very serious violation of the terms of use, so it is understandable somewhere that Sony is making the decision to take a tough stand against fraud. However, according to some opinions, the Japanese company has “slightly outperformed the bike” not only by banning PlayStation accounts on the PlayStation Network, but also by rendering PS5 consoles unusable. (It didn’t turn out to be the case for all versions of the PlayStation 5 or just the digital edition of the PS5 without a Blu-ray drive.)

As this is not a small value, in Brazil (where the console costs 5,000 reais, which translates to 280,000 HUF), the São Paulo court ruled that Sony acted illegally.

It’s like breaking Netflix rules, for example, and in return, not only would they ban Netflix, but they would turn off your TV forever.

A lawyer told the Brazilian daily Metropolis that he was handling the case.

Judge Anderson Antonucci also noted in his ruling that, in addition, the lock is of a type that “there is a risk of irreparable damage or difficult repairs” when the “lock” is removed from the Sony console. Metropolis said that this decision “is unprecedented” in Brazil.

Sony has not yet responded to this ruling. We will update this article as soon as we have more information about it.
