Index – Technology-Science – Roman record blood found over two thousand years



2020.09.28. 22:00

The oldest blood record of a Roman legionnaire to date has been found in Germany in the cemetery of the historic Battle of Teutoburg, also known as the Battle of Varus, in Kalkries, near Osnabrück. This find is about a hundred years older than what has been discovered so far: it dates from the 1st century, the telegraph office wrote.


A new migration in Europe?  The Romans would just laugh at everything!

They didn’t have to deal with megaphone fencers, but brutal Germans. The “dread of Kimber” peaked on October 6, 105 BC. C., when 120,000 Romans were massacred one day.

The Battle of Teutoburg, also known as the Battle of Varus is fought at 9 o’clock in the Teutoburg Forest, where the prince of the Herus, Armin, destroyed the legions of the Roman consul Publius Quinctilius Varus. This was the first time the Germanic tribes came together. Armin grew up in Rome, so he knew the fighting style of the legions well. The Roman army, which numbered some twenty thousand, was destroyed except for a few soldiers. This battle decided that the areas north of the Danube and east of the Rhine did not become provinces of the Roman Empire.
