Index – Technology-Science – Attack by Chinese “super soldiers”?


The title could even be the title of a category B action movie from the 1980s, a high-ranking American leader has now drawn attention to exactly the dangers, reported. According to John Ratcliffe, director of National Intelligence, which brings together seventeen US intelligence services, China is transforming members of its military into super-soldiers using CRISPR technology, known for genetic engineering.

Surprisingly, this is not the only provocative accusation that Ratcliffe mentioned in his editorial in the Wall Street Journal, which places China as the greatest threat to the United States and the world. Of course, human experiments with the technology may have been conducted in China, as the 2018 CRISPR baby scandal was also supported by the Chinese government with minimal contempt, but experts say that even in the best labs , CRISPR has not been improved.

However, according to Ratcliffe, this is possible:

US intelligence sources say that China has already conducted experiments with members of the People’s Liberation Army to create biologically enhanced soldiers. Beijing’s desire for power has no ethical limits.

Following the article, US NBC directed questions to interested parties, but neither Ratcliffe, the CIA, nor the Chinese government responded to the questions posed. As is well known in the United States Armed Forces, there have been many super soldier experiments, although with CRISPR, which provides super power, he does not know.

Although Chinese military leaders have previously stated that there is incredible military potential in biotechnology, practical experts say the threat does not come from super-soldiers possibly produced by CRISPR, but from using the method for ill-purpose purposes, even while investigating the supersoldiers.

When someone begins to get involved in the genetics of living organisms, it can easily have unintended consequences.

one of them warned.
