Index – Tech-Science – Coronavirus has been cooked to know at what temperature it can be inactivated


04/20/2020. 10:03

Researchers from the University of Aix-Marseille have analyzed the temperature at which the new coronavirus can adapt. According to the study, the virus can also survive high temperatures for long periods of time.

the investigationduring which the virus was actually cooked. It was heated to 56 degrees for half an hour, to sixty degrees for one hour, and to 92 degrees, that is, at a temperature close to the boiling point of water, for 15 minutes.

They observed that although the high temperature significantly reduced the efficacy of the coronavirus, it could still replicate, that is, infect.

Warming up to 92 degrees for 15 minutes alone completely inactivated the virus.

The most common protocol to inactivate the virus is to heat to 60 degrees for one hour. This is also recommended by the US Center for Epidemiology. USA For high mortality viruses like Ebola.

If this protocol is also used for the coronavirus worldwide, it is very dangerous for laboratory workers.

According to the study, if the protocol at 60 degrees for 60 minutes is not very effective, the researchers themselves expose themselves to the risk of infection, for example, by evaluating the evidence. The higher temperatures, in turn, fragment the viral RNA. Therefore, the French researchers recommend deactivating the virus in laboratories not with the temperature protocol, but with compounds, because it can be safer at the moment and also have less effect on the results of the tests carried out.
