Index – Sports – Shakespeare also had something to do with the return of Judak


“I don’t like fever very much, I think Jujak will be one of Loki’s many players, and if he shows it, he is different.” But I don’t want to say anything else, as we will be rivals on the field, “said a DEAC player at the Nagyerdei Stadium buffet an hour and a half before the presentation of the 108-time national ballad football team at the end of their training. .

A few steps away, at one of the tables, two old Loki-drukkers were drinking their coffee.

“Of course, I saw Balázs in almost every home game, in the three years he played football at Loki between the beginning of 2005 and the end of 2007, before going to the Netherlands,” said Pál Lakatos, who played football. cutting edge for 16 years, albeit only in the counties. , In Mátészalka and Tyukod, but as he remembered, after a Hungarian Cup match, when he shot Mészöly, even Vasas wanted to show it. – It was a beautiful year, we were champions with Balázs three times in a row, it’s another matter that after that he only played very well in Eindhoven, in Russia and Arabia he was more interested in money. But throw the first stone at someone who would throw a billion florins a year out the window. We, on the other hand, will never forget that he rented a bus with his own money, in which he delivered the Nyukklugos printers to the Netherlands for the PSV match. Not many people would have done that.

His interlocutor, a man of similar age, said that he knew that not everyone within the team would welcome Juják’s return, because that way obviously someone would be expelled from the starting eleven, although Balázs could probably only play half in his current state of power. a man who apparently had not heard of the legendary physical training that Shane Tusup supposedly had “Juji”.

Inside, in the stadium, they are greeted with the news that the club’s president, Péter Szabó, signed a contract with Juják a few minutes ago, which is why Loki is now officially the captain of the national team. After exactly 12 years and 10 months, he played his last champion so far on November 23, 2007, 1-1 against Újpest, when he was replaced for the last 25 minutes, but according to the National Sports contemporary, “I didn’t know a new level. in the game “.

Almost thirteen years had passed, but Jujak was now “bringing a new color”, if not to the game, to this warm summer afternoon in the great forest when he appeared at the player’s exit at 4:45 pm In front of him is the great triumvirate, Lajos Kósa, former mayor, president of the DVSC Association, Péter Szabó, the company that operates the football team. President of the Council and László Papp, Mayor of Debrecen. The announcement that Dzsudzsák had signed for the club was made by Péter Szabó, and about a thousand fans seated in the auditorium recognized the act with a great ovation.

After that, the visibly touched Juja bag walked up to the microphone and came up short. speaks said.

Maybe you can see him shivering with cold. ”She pointed to the hairs on his arms. “I will return here after a good twelve years, and I promise that I will put my heart, my soul in the field, so that Loki returns to where he belongs: to NB I.”

If someone were standing next to me now, you could hear my heart pounding. I’ve been abroad for years, a European Championship, a Dutch championship behind me and my career is so complete that I have returned home. I can thank my parents, my childhood coaches and Debrecen for going so far. I repeat, I want to put my heart on the field, I want to play with the same willpower and vehemence that I could get used to. I came to take the team back to NB I. Twelve years ago, I left here lifting the championship title trophy, Cup and Super Cup victory, and I hope to do so soon as NB II champion.

The audience applauded, and then Judzsák, thinner than usual and without a “float”, returned to the locker room, from where he reappeared at exactly 5:55 p.m., with the team, for the first joint training after a dozen years with him. team with three championship titles, Magyar. He won the Cup and the Super Cup.

How did a politician once say? The future has begun, at least in Debrecen.

As the team went through the warm-up lap, he demanded from a bay heather auditorium: “Go to NB I.!” Wherever the players ran, with Juja at the beginning of the line, there was applause from all sides and the shout “Hajra, Balázs!” cheer up.

Meanwhile, Loki’s press officer is calling on the media to leave the stadium through the escape hatch, as performers from the Csokonai Theater in Debrecen will present Shakespeare’s Hamlet early in the press room, which spectators in front of the stadium can enjoy on a projector.

Meanwhile, the warm-up and then the passes are accompanied by the loving gaze of head coach Elemér Kondás.

Nobody from Loki, where he made his Juja (3-0 against MTK) on April 9, 2005, no longer plays for the current team in which he scored the first NB I goal of his life (April 1, 2006, against DVTK 3). -3), nor did he continue to be an announcer, as well as the one in which he played his last game with the red and black DVSC jersey on November 23, 2007. It is already a different world, with different actors, in a different class .

And it wasn’t even yesterday that Balázs played his last betting match thus far on March 14, 2020, in the colors of Al-Ain against Al-Jazz, for more than half a year. The questions are in what form will Dzudzsák be after a long absence, a wandering without a team, and will he have a voice next Monday, in the championship match against MFC in Pécs, at the Nagyerdei stadium?

Juja’s return was well prepared by the DVSC, the homecoming itself is a great marketing strategy, no matter how successful the player is on the field; With this pull, the national sports press was definitely thematic for a while. Meanwhile, an interview with the player has already appeared on Loki’s website, whose most interesting phrases are the following:

My manager and I set a waiting time for each transfer period, which was now September 15. I’ll be honest, there was a lot of Polish interest and I could expect another Saudi and Turkish offer. I did not want to go to Turkey for a guard that was not the maximum to be able to play abroad while the Polish team was waiting for me, also he was doing well in the league, but I also kept in touch with Debrecen and decided to consider it. After discussing and thinking about everything, Loki proved to be the best possible option.

In the interview, Jujah was asked if it would bother him if it was just a small bank at first.

I’m not the sulking 18-year-old who takes offense when he’s better than him. I came here to show how much I have left each day, in each training session, in each game. I arrived successfully as a hungry footballer, I hope with my performance I can convince Elem Kondás that I have my place on the field. I’m far from drifting, I feel much happier with the bench or the last twenty minutes.

Jujah betrayed the number of jerseys he would play in.

I hesitated between 10 and 19, but because of memories and success I decided to go back to 19. I exploded with this number, it has accompanied me throughout my young career. I went through the national team with 7, but Loki fans tied for 19 jersey. I really hope to have a word even in the national team, but I got home absolutely step by step. For me the main thing right now is to get on the field in Debrecen as many times as possible and deliver a good performance. If that adds up to being invited again, I’ll be very happy, but now I’m really concentrating on my own stuff.

(Cover Image: Attila Trenka / Index)
