Index – Sports – Balázs Dzsudzsák confirms Hungarian second division


According to information from the NSO, the Debrecen football club can announce the signing of Balázs Dzsudzsák’s contract in a few days. The national midfielder was free to justify himself, and the words of Lajos Kósa, who said this Thursday on the Debrecen Television Public Affairs program that the agreement is close, coincide with the information on the portal.

We have a salary limit, which we do not cross in the case of anyone, we do not make any exceptions, but if you cannot find a team, Balázs will be happy to return to Debrecen. Now we are very close to an agreement. We were also in constant contact with his manager, József Vörösbaranyi and Balázs, I think he will come

The politician predicted.

The possibility of Balázs Dzsudzsák’s return also came up in Debrecen in the summer, but the confirmation may have failed because the midfielder’s coach wanted to sign him to Cyprus. His confirmation was also raised on MTK and Zalaegerszeg’s team also trained on MTK.

The 108-time Hungarian team can return to Loki after 12 years.
