Index – Sport – Wladár: If my challenger wins, there will be those who leave the country immediately


Insurance, What was a good idea to schedule this assembly? Now you may be excited to be re-elected …

I’m not a self-proclaimed egocentric guy. Tasks always find me. At that time, they also found me in 2017 because someone thought that I could be the custodian of order and peace, transparency in the alliance. I had to take care of a very notorious alliance and they were trusted. We have put some really good things on the table over the past three years. Here are these six world events that we held in 2018 and 2019, as well as the strengthening of the Floating Nation program, the Athletes Committee. We have transformed the competition system, finally there is sports health, there is a Board of Olympic Champions, the athlete committees can now have a voice in the team selection, they can participate in the discussions of the training committee, the distribution of Gerevich’s money. They cannot ask for something that would not be fulfilled. Dani Gyurta, the head of the athletes committee, described in her report that “Wladár is the man you can always call on and will always help.” In 2019, there was peace and quiet in the Hungarian swimming sport, the committee did not even have to be convened, the competitors could easily prepare for the Kwangju and autumn competitions. That’s in the committee report. We work 12 to 13 hours a day. If the problem was as big as our opponents claim, why don’t we know? Why did everyone listen?

We didn’t really perceive that it was wrong.

The judgment of a competitor does not depend on the work done but on the result. The fact that Milák trains eight, Rasovszky 25 kilometers a day, nobody cares, only his coins. Swimming is also the result of your results. And we did it, both in the pool and on the beach. Five gold medals at the Gangju World Cup in 2019, 6 gold, 4 silver, 2 bronze at the Glasgow World Cup in 2018. Not to mention the other fights. The mass of bankruptcies that we replaced our predecessors in 2017 (pedophile cases, rapes, etc.) have been left behind. There have been no so-called cases in the last three years. And my answer to the original question: We asked for an extended term because we thought we were doing our job well to enjoy government support, but our long-term, large-scale programs need more time for the misunderstanding of Covid and wasted 2020. year. We planted the tree, it took root, but we want to see what the fruit will look like!

When you set the date for the general re-election meeting, did you think there would be a counter-candidate?

We did not expect it.

Aware of this, would you do it again?

Yes. So I said. And if the members feel that what we did was little and the promise is stronger than the results we published, then they agree! I was not afraid of myself, I was afraid of the Hungarian swimmers, I was afraid of the Hungarian Swimming Association. Dávid Verrasztó said that if my challenger wins, that day he will get in his car, go to Vienna and continue there with Balázs Fehérvári. I have received similar comments from others. The vast majority of athletes and clubs support me. I said that we have resigned now because my team and I want to go through the long-term programs, to continue the work that we have started. We are particularly good on the issue of the educator license, which is ultimately for children to be educated by educators who understand this. We also want to fill the Floating Nation program with content so that all children can really learn to swim and build 42 testimonies in different parts of the country. But mostly because we have responsibilities to Covid on how we can keep this 130-140 member organization alive. Five thousand horsemen were without water for four months. Daily training was not possible. Seventy days ago, I instructed regional leaders to evaluate the national system, dropouts – because there are dropouts, sadly – and rising prices. There are four colors: black, red, yellow, green. Red and black are bad, unfortunately there are a lot of them. Swimming has suffered greatly from the epidemic. We have presented this medical check-up to the Secretary of State because solving these problems requires joint action and defense.

Who is good at fitting the ISL series? Already, of course, with the exception of Long Katinka and the Iron Team.

ISL is clearly not a FINA friendly initiative. But I am a career president. And we have to see that we have to compete, which is why we held the world’s first Four Nations Competition in July. I am sure that the tension between ISL and FINA will soon ease and I will also try to mediate between the parties. At the same time, there were also problems with the reception of the competitions, because because of the ISL, we had to put 500 children training in the Danube Arena somewhere, and that will cost millions. Difficult question. After the races, everyone will be smart. Even after the general meeting on Sunday …

(Cover photo: Sándor Wladár, president of the Hungarian Swimming Association (MÚSZ) – MTI Photo: Zsolt Czeglédi)
