Index – Sport – The men’s team is one hair short of the World Cup semi-final


Mikler roland The meeting began with the protection of City mahe Picked up a show two minutes after it hit him Zoltán Szitat, Máthé Dominik and immediately turned the goal into a goal. In the third minute we were already two with Szita’s goal, the Frenchman did not find the rhythm in the attack.

After four and a half minutes Ludovic Fabregas broke the silence of his goal,

from Máté Lékai quickly added two and then Rodriguez Alvarez He caught the ball and entered Ziccer. After 8 minutes we drove to 5-1!
In fact, Bánhidi I think, and then Lékai was also successful, while the French made staggering situations worse.

We were 7/7 in the first 11 minutes, while the Gauls stayed 1/9. We played dreamers, especially in Mikler’s first, while the rival replaced the goalkeeper.

At the end of the 15th minute, we made the first mistake, but the French almost exclusively made the balls that bounced off Mikler, especially Michaël Guigou.

Vincent Gerard setting up the Hungarian machine a bit, thanks to him the difference was reduced from six to three in the 19th minute. Fortunately, Mikler also defended in ecstasy, scoring only six goals in the first 20 minutes.

However, our offensive game still couldn’t improve, the bad shots and the sold balls took turns, at 9-8. Bóka Bendegúz he finally made a point for our nearly 9 minute scoreless series. Gábor Ancsin He also lost his left hand, we had the advantage of two goals and, in the back, the small bench could continue to applaud for Mikler’s show. Sipos Adrian regained his second show in the 26th minute and Fabregas immediately scored Melvyn richardson but we even lead with two.

Until Guigou sold another ball into the empty goal, he took six of the Frenchman’s 11 hits.

At the last minute we were able to attack to regain the two-goal lead, and after István Gulyás called for time, Lékai scored a great goal, thanks to which we were able to take a break for 14-12.

Dika mem His goal opened the second half of the game, the answer came immediately from Bánhidi. The difference was a constant 1-2 goals, but luckily we were in the lead the whole time. The defense did not perform better on either side during this period, they zigzagged easily, Bánhidi’s shooting and play worked well for us.

In the 39th minute, however, they tied Valentine’s door took the lead with his exit and then with his blow,

And István Gulyás felt that we had to put our heads in order.

Unfortunately, the first attack was unsuccessful, Yann Genty began to feel the Hungarian shots while Timothey N’Guessan fattened the advantage of the blue shirts to two. They attacked much faster and with more energy than in the first half.

The Hungarian team stayed in a Szita match at the time, then Sipos tied for his goal pass in the 45th minute, but within moments there were two of them again, not here. Then he managed to grab again, there was a terrible grip on the team, after a great defense with Bóka’s ziccer, the result was 25-25 and there were only 10 minutes left. But what got out of our way bounced in, and there were two of them again,

then with Descat a week in the match for the first time three.

Time was running out, the Hungarian team went to an open defense, from which Bóka shot an easy goal. Minus two, a good four minutes before the end.

Time ran out with a quick goal change, then with Máthé’s brutal bombshell, there was only one disadvantage, in fact, after putting a ball in, we attacked for the equalizer in the last minute, and Bánhidi hit it! There were 17 seconds left, the Frenchman asked for time but could not throw a goal.

A spoiled week there, a Bodó bomb here, and again the Hungarian team went ahead, then Mahé sold another penalty. After Gérard’s defense Romain lagarde He ran and took Mikler’s goal, the identity of the leading team changed again, they led by one after the first five minutes.

After the return, Bánhidi fought a penalty and Gérard beat Máthé at the worst possible moment. After Mikler’s many exploits, we attacked again for the mouse, but we sold the ball, which Descat punished. Zsolt Balogh He went in for a week, which he cut to injure himself in the meantime, but the French always had an answer. A minute and a half before the end, the referees took the ball from the Hungarian team, which proved fatal. Luc abalo they scored their 35th goal from the start, which also marked the final score. The French favorite won 35-32 and placed in the top four, but there is no reason to be ashamed of the Hungarian team.

Finally, thanks to the results of the semifinals, István Gulyás’ team finished the world championship in excellent fifth place.

France-Hungary 35-32 (12-14, 30-30)) after extension
See: Guigou 6, Descat 5 and Bánhidi 6, Lékai, Bóka 5–5

Spain-Norway 31-26 (21-15)
Sweden-Qatar 35-23 (14-10)
Denmark-Egypt 35-35 (16-13, 28-28, 31-29, 34-34, 34-35), with seven meters: 4-3

Semifinal program:
Denmark-Spain 17.30
Sweden-France 20.30

The winner of the tournament will advance to the 2023 Polish-Swedish World Championships.
