Index – Sport – Romania’s Hungarian sports prime minister would make a revolution


Three years ago, we spoke at the National Theater in Budapest at the Athlete of the Year Gala, where he presented Zsanett Jakabfi with the Footballer of the Year trophy, and where “Thank you Hungary!” he closed his speech with an exclamation. So would you have thought of talking to me as Romanian sports minister three years later?

Look, it all happened so fast that I could barely comprehend it, but it had to happen like this. But I did not hesitate when I had to accept this mission because I consider it a mission. This is a great opportunity. I always felt like I would ever have that opportunity, and it seems like it just happened.

It is true, and I am very pleased to see that the situation of Hungarians in Romania has improved a lot compared to three years ago. Do you see it that way?

Yes, then I said I would give a rating of five to six on a scale of ten and even better since then.

I feel like our situation is constantly improving, that’s a very good thing.

Eduárd Károly Novák

Károly Eduárd Novák

Photo: Novak Carol Eduard / Facebook

The many Transylvanian investments being made in the sport are a very good project for young people. This will undoubtedly strengthen national cohesion. This is really very important. In fact, I feel that my mission can contribute to this process. It was the only Romanian cycling sports federation of the seventies that had a Hungarian president in my person (I must, of course, resign this due to a conflict of interest) and now I have become the Prime Minister of Hungarian sports in Romania. And believe me I’m very happy about it

my appointment was received with great sympathy on both sides,

and I feel the support from here and there. In possession of this hinterland, I want to take concrete measures that may be drastic and will not please everyone. But for the athletes of the future to also have better opportunities, I must follow these steps. There are some alliances that work well, but much more is needed. Romanian sport must be built on a much more secure and stable foundation.

It seems to me a comprehensive and sincere idea at home that he said in his “virgin speech” that not all sports can be financed to the same high level, the world’s money would not be enough for this, but we should focus on some competitions that promise Olympic success .

No one dared to say that before! I am the Romanian sports prime minister to specifically state that we love everyone, we respect everyone, but we must decide where we can win medals at the Olympics and invest most of the money in it.

Because we cannot support everyone on the same level.

Everyone must realize this. When we think that the English Cycling Federation has a budget of £ 35 million for the Paris Olympics in three years, we are surprised. And we have to compete with them! (Name)

Speaking of racing … Three years ago you talked about riding a bike at the Tokyo Paralympic Games. That has crept into 2021. Is it still a plan?

Stand up, stand up … I’m sure I can form a team around me in the ministry so that with the arrival of spring, in April-May, a machine can be set up that can do the job itself. And then I also have some time left to train. But of course it all depends on how much work you have. I have to look at the circumstances once in January to understand the whole system. It should be noted that sport is the area with the second largest construction asset in Romania, which is partly not even functional. It will just be an incredible job to inspect this. At the moment, I don’t even know if we are a sports ministry or a real estate agency. Specifically, I need to map what we have and how much wealth we have. By 2021, the most important project will be the creation of a new Romanian sports strategy. Until now there has been no such thing.

Are you at home now in Miercurea Ciuc? (The interview was conducted on the morning of December 26 – ed.)

Yes, yes, we are getting baptized! No snow plus one degree

even here in Szeklerland, the plots are not like they used to be.

We slowly forget what real winter is like.

Last year we did a tour with a colleague in Szeklerland, we went to Miercurea Ciuc with Zoli Szondy, the president of FK Miercurea Ciuc and László Diószegi, the owner of Sepsi OSK, we saw the sports investments financed mostly from the continent. Is this the way of the future?

I think so. Of course, they mainly invest in popular sports, soccer and hockey, which is very important. If this help did not come, football would not even exist today on a more serious level in Szeklerland. And our “national sport” hockey was also very, very in decline. But there is still a lot to do, here in Miercurea Ciuc you have to renovate the speed track, you also have to build the hockey rink, the Lajos Vákár Ice Hall, you have to build a velodrome. There are many projects to implement here. I feel that I have a pretty good cooperation with this current government, a young and ambitious team has come to work. In some way we are united and I hope we can work well with the Ministry of Education and Development (officially the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration – ed.). Just because the latter is the minister of Attila Cseke of Oradea, and the new government also has a third Hungarian member, Barna Tánczos, who was president of the hockey association, and now has the Ministry of the Environment. In addition, there is Kelemen Hunor, the president of DAHR, who is a deputy prime minister without a portfolio.

Hungarians have never been so strongly represented in the Romanian government, have they?

Certainly not.

With the old ministry team, are you cutting it out of your plans or bringing in your own people?

I have to take over the old team because I have to learn how the whole system works, but I also have my own long-term people, who I trust unconditionally. Because it is true that Romanian sports management will take a different direction with my leadership, and that will require my people.

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Photo: Novak Carol Eduard / Facebook

Do you feel benevolence from other government actors?

Yes. They are very happy that I have become Sports Minister, the expectations and hopes are high, but I am trained for this position, I have all the knowledge to do it. I’m a bit excited, of course, especially at first, until I feel like I’m on my own two feet, but I’m sure that if we speak at the end of January, you’ll find a much more confident minister already.

By then, however, the honeymoon will be over and, obviously, he too will receive criticism. After all, it will inevitably hurt interests.

I’m also prepared, I’m sure there will be criticism, because so far the essence of sports policy has been to be good for everyone, just shut everyone up, just get over it so that we don’t have to make decisions.

A tougher sports strategy will certainly not be to everyone’s liking. But I’m standing in front of you!

If I can see clearly, the aim is to increase the weight of the Ministry of Sports and Youth in Romanian public life.

Oh good. It would change the image of Romanian sports, binding traditions are mandatory. A much more dynamic, younger administration and revolutionary changes are needed, because this ministry is of great importance, since youth is the key to the future of the country. We have to move them. I would like to work seriously with the Minister of Education.

When will you visit Hungary again?

I want it as soon as possible because I really like Budapest. And if I’m invited to the Athlete of the Year gala again, like in 2017, of course I’ll go. Good as! I love that event!

(Cover image: used with the prior permission of Eduárd Károly Novák. Photo: Eduard Novak / Facebook)
