Index – Sport – Decided to go to the Basilica, the climber did not dismantle the bicycle field


Spanish stage victory for the first time in the history of the Tour de Hongrie, with Jon Aberasturi (Caja Rural) earning his field hair in the first stage of this year’s race, obtaining the yellow jersey. The best Hungarian was Dina Márton, who ranked 18th at the same time as the winner.

The Tour de Hongrie cycle race began with a spectacular stretch around the Danube Bend. The Esztergom Basilica, which already houses the start and finish area, has already created a spectacular backdrop, in which you can only contemplate the view of the bend of the Danube and the ascent through the Pilis forest. Esztergom was already on the show last year and this year it also became a start city. The TdH scheduled for May would have featured this section later in the program, but the organizers also saw it as a better way to carry it out.

The spectators were also won over, at the top of the pilismarót ascent, more than a thousand fans got together and created an atmosphere that is usual in the great competitions of the world. Although at first there were only a few hundred, later the streets of Esztergom were also full of spectators.

The 118 km stage consists of three laps, starting from Esztergom, the riders climbed from Pilismaró to the Kétbükkfa saddle, followed by a longer descent to Esztergom. All three laps had a total elevation of 1,953 meters.

The main peloton started comfortably in the first round, after the start they launched an eight-man race, Mathias Larsen (Kometa-Xstra), David Lozano (Team Novo Nordisk), Veljko Stojnic (Vini-Zabú KTM), Mattia Viel (Androni- Giocattoli), Diether Sweeck (Alpecin-Fenix), Yegor Gyementyev (Team Novak), Alejandro Osorio (Caja Rural) and Lukas Meiler (Team Voralberg-Santic) led for almost four minutes after twenty kilometers, while the boly was dictated by Barnabas Peák (Mitchelton-Scott). step. The fugitives’ biggest lead was 4 minutes and 50 seconds, but it began to decline dramatically in the second round, with Mitchelton and Trek-Segafredo leading it late in the round.

That minute was left until the end of the climb, but that was quickly erased by the accelerated main field. There were still one or two escape attempts, but the strongest troops kept these actions under control. Jumbo-Visma dictated the beat more. In his last mountain race, Attila Valter (CCC) also advanced and was the first to reach the top. There were seven more riders in a group with him, and they also fought for a few seconds ahead when people started to pull away at the end of the field.

On the descent, the eighth group separated from the field for about 15 seconds, but after a few kilometers, the riders did not really agree, they had a hard time taking the lead. Valter also pulled the line for a while, but the main field caught up with the fugitives in the last mile so the sprinters could fight for first place.

On the slightly ascending path to the Basilica, Jon Aberasturi (Caja Rural) and Kaden Groves (Mitchelton-Scott) fought hand-in-hand, winning first by a small margin and Adam Toupalík finishing third.

There was also a crash in the last corner, but that wasn’t the only reason the line broke. Twenty people came together in the first group, including Dina Márton (Kometa-Xstra), who is the best Hungarian on the compound with 18th place. Valter was given 13 seconds to finish 27th.

Aberasturi also took first place in the compound with the stage victory, and also took the lead in the points race, which is why the yellow and green jerseys also belong to him.

Novo-Nordisk rider David Lozano leads the mountain points race.

41. Tour of Hungary
Section 1, Esztergom-Esztergom (118 km):

1. Jon Aberasturi (Spain, Caja Rural-Seguros-RGA) 2:48:04

2. Kaden Groves (Australia, Mitchelton-Scott) at the same time

3. Adam Toupalik (cseh, Elkov-Kasper) ai

4. Kamil Gradek (Polish, CCC team) ai

5. David van der Poel (Netherlands, Alpecin-Fenix) interim

6. Itamar Einhorn (izraeli, Israel Start-Up Nation) ai

18. Dina Márton (Hungarian, Kometa-Xstra) acting

27. Valter Attila (Hungarian, CCC Team) 13 seconds behind

46. ​​Péter Kusztor (Hungarian, Team Novo Nordisk) 32 sec h.

52. András Szatmáry (Hungarian national team) 45 sec h.
