Index – Science and technology – Posted on Facebook


From August 2019 to August 2020, an internal measurement tool called Facebook Conversion Lift shows advertisers bad data, digital marketing magazine AdExchanger discovered. The tool, introduced by the social site in 2015, essentially seeks to reveal the impact of the ads that appear on its interface on user behavior; When it was introduced in 2015, its main goal was to soften the obsessive clicking attitude in the ad industry a bit.

The algorithm, as it turned out 12 months ago, provides bad data and slightly overestimates sales from media presence.

They offer millions

Facebook has tactfully offered millions of dollars in compensation to advertisers. Compensation is proportional to amounts spent, according to AdAge magazine, in some cases to the tens of millions of dollars. The company did not request confirmation from the latter, but it was recognized that a one-time credit would be offered to advertisers on a case-by-case basis.

Advertisers who spoke anonymously to the Wall Street Journal said certain categories were hit the hardest by the bug, and commercial advertisers advertised 5 to 10 percent more this year, for example, to make up for lost traffic. due to the epidemic.

Facebook last found itself in a similar situation in 2016 when it was revealed that they had mistakenly overestimated the playback of videos that appear on their interface.

The internal measurement systems of the Internet giants are still opaque. This would put an end to the next legal framework of the European Commission, which requires them to make internal measurements transparent and open their algorithms to independent organizations.
