Index – National – Zalaegerszeg calls for military travel in time


Spectacular ZalaZone consists of huge buildings and tracks. How decisive has this complex become in the life of the city?

ZalaZone, in its current state, is in the second phase of construction. It is operated by a state-owned company, Minister László Palkovics and Deputy László Vigh, commissioner, have an important role in the construction. In 2017, construction of the brand’s independent automotive test track began. It is important to be independent because some automakers have smaller tracks of their own, but nobody is that big of this type and variety. When the final phase is complete, it will operate on 265 acres.

And all this to the city?

Fully state-owned, maintained by the state, the municipality only leased the area.

So what good is it for Zalaegerszeg?

For example, it has had a significant impact on our vocational training: we are building a dual vocational training center for 646 million, our mechatronics engineering training has been strengthened, and test engineering training will be launched in cooperation with ZalaZone in the newly created Zalaegerszeg University Center under the auspices of the University of Pannonia. Therefore, the test track means a lot to the city not only in terms of job opportunities, but also in terms of education, training and research and development. In addition, the modern environment created in this way is attractive, it was not by chance that Rheinmetall Zalaegerszeg was chosen, the already developed infrastructure was a significant aspect.

Who uses ZalaZone?

There are currently contracts with almost 200 companies, but as I mentioned, it is not a municipal company, it is worth looking at the company’s website, these companies are also spectacularly listed there.

How much paper was distributed to the municipality during the Lynx negotiations?

We entered the negotiation process when it came to securing factory output from a human point of view. For example, the former ZÁÉV workers ‘hostel was converted into a workers’ hotel with an investment of hundreds of millions and a complete renovation. Another development of this type is probably needed, because in the first period it is expected that we will not be able to fill all the positions with local labor. Of course, we would be happier if all the workers were Zala. To provide a long-term solution, from kindergarten to college, from housing to a rental housing program and the purchase of discounted land, our goal is for employees to stay home or return home. And speaking of special know-how, I know that 40-50 workers are trained in Germany to produce the first 46 vehicles, with a strong emphasis on welder training.

How much did they know about the planned military investment?

Concrete negotiations began in late spring, following a favorable decision from Rheinmetall. Of course, we knew that Zalaegerszeg was one of the possible locations, but until then, the discussions had taken place at the government level.

Where is the factory located?

It will be built on a state site, right next to the test track, on 40 acres, plus a 20-acre off-road military test track – a wooded, mountainous area.

Will there be opportunities for civilians to test the off-road track as well?

It is unlikely, at most, in the open days that we will celebrate on May 19. The opening of the first phase also took place on May 19, 2019. In this case, you can enter the track, you can see the autonomous trucks, Tesla, etc. There will likely also be an open day after Lynx production is scheduled to begin in 2023.

In addition to the incoming military equipment factory, the city also has a history of military service.

Unfortunately, little is known that for a time Egerszeg Castle became the main element of the border fortress system. There is hardly any trace of Zalaegerszeg Castle, both physically and in history, so we invite the people of Zalaegerszeg and tourists to travel on time as part of a virtual reality experience. The main task was to defend Egerszeg Castle in 1641. In 1600, the Turks occupied Kanizsa Castle for 90 years and Zalaegerszeg became the center of the county and the surrounding defense lines. The Zalaegerszeg castle captain was also the deputy chief captain of the border castle system, which had control over the border castles of Zala. After the expulsion of the Turks, in the early 1700s, the castle was demolished and the town hall was built on its site in 1732, making Zalaegerszeg officially the seat of the Zala county.

Why was it important to virtualize the old fortress?

In other cities, the ruins of a medieval castle are reminiscent of the historical past, and we thought that if Zalaegerszeg no longer had the ruins, we would invite those interested in traveling back in time to display them in their original form using modern technology and reality glasses. virtual. the castle, which those involved in the show must also defend together from the besieged Turks in a way that is appropriate for team building. Since then, an animated short film about the medieval castle has been made.

In the new attraction, you can walk around the contemporary fortress in full life, so you need plenty of free space, like a sports hall. In the simulation, you can join the defenders of the castle, and using different weapons, you can also participate in the defense in this experience of about an hour and a half. Cannons, rifles, pistols, arrows and swords can also be used.

What date was the presentation linked to?

The virtual reality experience was completed for the 135th anniversary of the proclamation of an orderly city in 1885, and we presented it in the sports hall because the size of the stadium alone is sufficient for a large-scale, real-time project. The program is also recommended for those interested in the history of Zalaegerszeg, those who like the history of the Middle Ages, students, classes and participants in team building trainings. For the time being, it will be possible to test the game at previously announced times in the sports hall, and then the program will be finalized in relation to the digital experience center in Zalaegerszeg, which will have numerous additional additions and development opportunities in the coming years.

What you think can be enough
All this
to revive the military traditions of Egerszeg?

The virtual reality project mainly helps the local patriot to connect, to know better and more fully the past and the history of the city, but it also helps to keep the participants together and forge them into a community by participating in the siege and helping each other. others.

It is a historical tradition for a county or city to be the political leader of some military duties as well.
. In events for the preservation of military tradition, such as the Savaria Festival or the Eger Castle Games, the mayor also has certain tasks. Can we see you in a role like this?

The creators asked me to lend my face and voice to the figure of the castle captain in the game as a fan, but I don’t want to take on more roles than this, because it shouldn’t be about the current mayor, but about Zalaegerszeg.

(Cover image: Mayor Zoltán Balaicz / Photo: Attila Trenka)
