Index – National: you won’t know which fish of the year


Jászkeszeg received the most votes in the year’s fish poll traditionally announced by the Hungarian Haltani Society and closed on New Year’s Day, the organization’s president told MTI on Friday.

Ákos Harka said: 7683 votes were received at noon on December 31 for public voting on the organization’s website, from which the final result was formed. The jász bream, which likes the lowland sections of our medium and large rivers, won by a significant 49 percent difference.

Of the three candidates, the eel, which has ancient features and is severely depleted to date, came in third with 20 percent of the vote, while the imaginary silver medal was supported by 31 percent. he deserved it.

Their food consists mainly of invertebrates, worms and mollusks hidden in the sediment. It is also found in stagnant, but often updated waters, such as Lake Tisza, but it is a rarity in Lake Balaton. The spawning time can be set for the later spring period, so from April 15 to May 31 it is protected by a harvest ban. The bream is a medium-sized fish with a minimum catch size of 8 inches, but those that exceed 12 inches are not uncommon. Its meat is fibrous but delicious.
