Index – National – You can be fined fifty thousand guilders in Budapest for not wearing a mask


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Zoltán Ágoston

2020.09.10. 17:42

Gergely Karácsony called an extraordinary meeting of the Metropolitan General Assembly on September 14, according to a statement sent to the Index by the Mayor’s Office. The main topic will be the tightening of the rules for the use of masks and stricter penalties for violators of the obligation to wear masks, and Gergely Karácsony suggests that

  • the use of masks to cover the nose and mouth should be mandatory in cinemas and theaters, as well as in the enclosed spaces of similar public cultural institutions and in condominium assemblies;
  • Violators of the obligation to wear a mask properly can be fined up to HUF 50,000 by inspectors of public spaces after an unsuccessful warning.

Gergely Karácsony also proposes that a decision be made on free periodic coronavirus screening for those who work in nursing homes in the capital, and that the Orbán government introduce a similar measure for those who work in public education and health care. The mayor would also like Hungary to follow the example of other European states.
provide free coronavirus screenings.

The mayor also reported on his plans in a Facebook post.

Book cover: Index Photographer: Bődey János
