Index – National – Without improvement, the epidemic has another 249 deaths


On Wednesday, 7,587 new infections were recorded, bringing the total number of infections identified to 593,710 since the outbreak began. 249 people died, mostly elderly, chronic patients, so the number of deaths increased to 18,952 – read on The hospital cares for 11,805 coronavirus patients, 1,423 of whom are on ventilators. The vaccination rate of the Hungarian population has reached 16.8 percent, compared to the EU average of 9.4 percent, they write.

The number of vaccinated people was 1,696,110, of which 494,520 had already received their second vaccination.

As they write, the number of people cured is also steadily increasing, currently 381,807 people, but the number of actively infected people has also risen to 192,951 people. A day earlier, 5,481 people had been infected with the coronavirus and 252, mostly chronic elderly patients, had died. The youngest victim of Monday’s epidemic was a 27-year-old man. The hospital treated 11,873 coronavirus patients on Tuesday, 1,389 of whom were hooked up to a ventilator that day.

The government fact sheet shows that the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic in Europe is proving stronger than ever. Due to the drastic increase in the number of patients, the government extended the protection measures for another week from March 22.

Protection measures in force:

  • wearing a mask is mandatory on all streets and public areas within the residential area.
  • If possible, keep a protective distance of at least 1.5 meters from the other person.
  • Work is possible, but whenever possible we recommend working from home. In the state administration you can order work from home, except those that contribute to the defense.
  • The evening curfew remains in effect between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. A case of exemption from the curfew is work, which, however, must be justified. You can download a sample certificate by clicking here.
  • Stores must close. Exceptions: grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, drugstores, tobacconists, shops selling materials and equipment essential for economic, agricultural and forestry activity, as well as shops selling pet food, animal feed, the market and the farmers market. .
  • All services are suspended except private health, social, financial, postal and vehicle services.
  • Take out purchases are still available in restaurants.
  • Kindergartens and elementary schools will not be open until the end of spring break, and interested ministers will determine the content conditions for digital education. At the request of local governments, childcare should be provided in kindergartens and schools. Digital education will continue in secondary schools and higher education. Due to low infection rates, the nurseries do not close.
  • Outdoor sports are possible where a distance of one and a half meters can be maintained. Training of certified athletes is allowed, matches are only possible behind closed doors.
  • We will strengthen border crossings, but we will not restrict transit and cargo traffic.
  • We will extend wage subsidies and tax breaks to sectors that need to close.
  • Parks, arboretums and forests remain open.

As they write, the police strictly monitor compliance with the rules, impose fines, and close places where regulations are not followed. The soldiers support the work of the police in various cities in the country and ease the burden of health workers in the hospital.
