Index – National – Will there be staff for one-day surgeries?


As the second wave of the epidemic worsened and the workload of hospitals grew alarmingly, on 10 November the Ministry of Human Resources halted all planned surgical interventions. This restriction has recently been lifted, but this has multiplied the waiting times for an intervention. Most people currently have to wait for cataract surgeries, whereas previously, according to the National Health Insurance Fund, this meant 44 days, now more than 200 days.

The president of the Hungarian Hospitals Association, Andrea Ficzere, told InfoRádió that those who are waiting for knee replacement procedures and hip replacement implants should also be patient, although there is no doubt that those involved sometimes suffer severe pain. As the number of coronavirus patients decreases and the population’s vaccination rate increases, those who are now waiting will be admitted immediately.

For recurring one-day procedures, a CRP test is ordered within 72 hours, followed by a rapid antigen test on the day of surgery.

Your institution will select if it has the capacity to do so

Andrea Ficzere said. Hospital workloads are uneven, there are places where there is more, there are places where there is less treatment for coronavirus, which affects the availability of staff.

The release is likely to be gradual again, but this will require that the part of the population that is waiting can be safely admitted to hospitals, the specialist added.
