Index – National – Why is Viktor Orbán not in quarantine?


On Monday, the Hungarian prime minister met with Attila Vidnyánszky, the director of the National Theater, who turned out the next day to have tested positive for the coronavirus. The two attended a meeting of the National Council of Culture, where, according to press reports, a separate consultation was held between the two.

The coronavirus color director met with Viktor Orbán this Monday

Attila Vidnyánszky reportedly met with the head of government at the National Council of Culture.

However, Viktor Orbán apparently continues his work without interruption, on Friday morning Kossuth Radio gave a live interview regularly. On Saturday he will participate in the consecration of a Reformed church near Budapest.

We have tried in vain to obtain information on whether the Prime Minister has been put to the test since then, this does not follow from the reply of a sentence from Orbán’s press officer, Bertalan Havasi.

The Prime Minister carries out his work in accordance with current epidemiological regulations, his programs are carried out in accordance with the relevant sanitary and epidemiological regulations.

– so Havasi.

Health data is considered sensitive information, but in the case of a key public figure, it is understandable that everyone is interested in Viktor Orbán’s condition. In the current legal situation, if the Prime Minister is ill, this is information of public interest, but it cannot be expelled from the Prime Minister’s Press Office if it has been tested.

We have also tried to find out whether, under current epidemiological protocol, the Prime Minister or anyone else should really be quarantined at those times.

We chose the simplest solution, calling the green number on the government information page, where we describe a similar situation where the two parties could find themselves without the names of the public actors involved.

The dispatcher of the information line told us that in this case we do not count as a contact person according to the current protocol, only if we live in a home with, for example, a person with coronavirus, so we are permanently closed to him. If we do not experience the symptoms, the test is not necessary, we can walk calmly.

That’s fine?

While the question may arise in us whether the Prime Minister is doing the right thing if he does not go into quarantine in such a case, if only to set an example for others, he has no obligation under the current rules. Like others.

It is also a legitimate question whether the public should not be informed whether Viktor Orbán has been examined after having been in contact with an infected person in the last few days, but there is no legal obligation here either.

(Cover image: In the image published by the Prime Minister’s Press Office, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán talks with Visegrád partners in a video conference [V4] and members of the European Council on the management of the coronavirus epidemic in the Carmelite monastery on October 29, 2020.)

MTI / Prime Minister’s Press Office / Benko Vivien Cher)
