Index – National – What vaccine would you need? Index Readers Have Already Voted



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2021.03.01. 11:25

In Hungary, the population is currently vaccinated with five types of coronavirus vaccines, and the decision of the Index readers is clear.

A week ago, on February 23, a table comparing the vaccines approved in Hungary was posted on the KOVIDők Facebook page. Three of the five vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca) are administered by the European Medicines Agency at pan-European level, and two (Gam-COVID-Vac, i.e. Sputynik V and Sinopharm) by the Hungarian Medicines Agency, The National The Institute of Pharmacy and Food Health (OGYÉI) has granted a marketing authorization.

Index readers were asked to vote which vaccine they trusted the most. It was possible to vote for several vaccines, the vote was as follows:

  1. Pfizer – BioNTech – 20,824 votes
  2. Modern – 5,976 votes
  3. Sputnik V – 5770 votes
  4. Sinopharm – 4559 votes
  5. AstraZeneca – 3,676 votes

(Cover image: passers-by in protective masks at Örs vezér tér in Budapest on November 11, 2020. Photo: Zoltán Balogh / MTI)
