Index – National – What is a disappointment for Orbán, a euphoria for the opposition


He disappointed the Orbán government, but the opposition parties received with great joy and great optimism that Joe Biden had won the US presidential election. However, from a four-year perspective, it is worth remembering how the parties reacted to Donald Trump’s victory in 2016.

Did not come a second time

Viktor Orbán was one of the first to support Donald Trump on the international stage of politics quite bravely (or thanks to his good situational awareness). In a speech delivered in July 2016 at the Universidad Libre Bíbányos de Tusnádfürdő, he said that

“Of the open opportunities”, the Republican presidential candidate would be better for Europe and Hungary.

Bertalan Havasi, the prime minister’s press chief at the time, called it a “simplified journalistic conclusion” that the Hungarian prime minister had supported one of the US presidential candidates. After Donald Trump’s victory, however, there was no doubt that the Orbán administration welcomed the reversal of US policy and said goodbye to the Obama administration with relief.

Congratulations! What a great news! Democracy is still alive

– Viktor Orbán published on his Facebook page knowing the result of 2016.

In the following years, relations between the United States and Hungary improved, mainly thanks to the friendly attitude of the American ambassador in Budapest, David B. Cornstein. The outgoing ambassador admitted before this year’s presidential election that if Trump resumes, he will comply with Viktor Orbán’s invitation because he loves Hungary and the Hungarians very much.

The prime minister could certainly have been such a coveted political weapon in his communication toolbox, telling Reuters ahead of the election that

for him there is no Plan B, Trump will win.

It didn’t happen that way. Viktor Orbán was in no rush to congratulate Joe Biden, he was the last of the leaders of the Visegrad countries to send their best wishes.

Let me congratulate you on a successful presidential campaign. I wish you good health and continued success in the performance of your extremely responsible duties.

– wrote the prime minister.

It doesn’t help, but it can give inspiration.

While Joe Biden’s victory was enthusiastically greeted by opposition parties, in 2016 they reacted surprisingly, coldly, or succinctly to Donald Trump sitting in the oval office.

Four years ago, Ferenc Gyurcsány congratulated Donald Trump on his Facebook page for addressing the majority of Americans. At the same time, the president of the Democratic Coalition has already assured his own constituents that there is no reason to panic.

I believe that just as Obama’s critical relationship with Orbán has not substantially weakened the Hungarian government or strengthened its opposition, neither will the opposite happen with Trump. Orban should be beaten at home, not in Washington, help was expected

– said Ferenc Gyurcsány. According to him, the 2016 presidential elections also had an important lesson, that is, despite the rival’s material and media dominance, it is possible to win and pollsters are not infallible either.

Joe Biden’s victory was commented on by Gyurcsány

it gives strength and justification to all Hungarian and European democrats who are worth fighting for.

Jobbik fell in love with Bident

Perhaps the biggest difference in Jobbik’s response is between now and four years ago. President Gábor Vona briefly congratulated Donald Trump on behalf of the party that is already embarking on the path of the popular party.

Hungarians respect the right of other peoples to shape their destiny and we expect the same from everyone.

– said Vona, who, in addition to improving relations between Hungary and the United States, wished the new president a responsible and wise job.

However, Jobbik has taken a clearer stance since the current presidential election, and Democrat Joe Bident has been described as

a very experienced, calm and considerate centrist in internal political balance.

In announcing their victory, they wrote: the normality and sobriety of the people prevailed.

The Euro-Atlantic Alliance is particularly important to the Jobbik People’s Party, so we will do our best to build the best possible relationship with the new president, the administration and the future ambassador in Budapest.

It added the party, which had previously been accused of biased Russian friendship.

The MSZP was cautious and enthusiastic

The American people decided: Donald Trump was elected president. This decision must be respected

– said Gyula Molnár, president of the MSZP in 2016, ignoring the congratulations. He also wrote that he believes in a country and in Europe.

that is committed to equality, development and justice for people. We hope that, leaving behind the mud of the campaign, the new president of the United States will be an ally of that Europe.

He may have been much more optimistic in Berlin when, according to MTI, he explained:

The speech of the president-elect of the United States shows that there are guarantees behind the democratic institutions in the United States that “there does not seem to be in Hungary”, to be – to be.

The world will be a little better again! Democracy has proven to be the only system capable of self-correcting

– Ágnes Kunhalmi, Co-Chair of the MSZP, has already posted this on her Facebook page, congratulating Joe Biden and his vice presidential candidate, Kamala Harris.

LMP can be really happy

Respecting the choice of the Americans, the LMP reacted to Trump with cold caution. In his statement, then-party co-chair Bernadett Szél wrote that it was important for the Hungarian government to establish cooperation with the US president that could advance the interests of the country, regardless of which party was the candidate.

However, Joe Biden’s victory can really be welcomed by the LMP, as the Democratic politician has announced that

The United States will rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement,

of which Trump just left the country in 2017. The Green Party is confident that Biden will actively fight to curb climate change.

They didn’t like Trump from the start

The dialogue was the most critical of Trump’s election. Bence Tordai stated that in his opinion

Donald Trump’s victory means for the United States what Brexit is for Europe, because with this electoral success, not only his opponents but also his own voters have been wrong.

It is no wonder, then, that due to Biden’s victory, one of the most enthusiastic announcements was aired in which they wrote:

“After four years of chaos and irresponsibility”, the world can “breathe a sigh of relief” because also in the United States “they do not say no to false populism.”

According to the party, Viktor Orbán could also learn from this.

Christmas considered Trump a serious lesson

It is worth adding to the Dialogue that Gergely Karácsony, as the party’s co-chair, also voiced his ominous foreboding four years ago.

(…) Trump was able to win because he was able to convince the offended little men that he was not a member of the hated elite, and of course he was. The world has to pay a high price to understand this. But if we’ve already paid that price, I hope we at least learn from it. “

He said.

It’s no wonder Christmas didn’t shed tears now for Trump.

Trump was good for the Orbán government, President Biden will be good for Hungary

He posted on his Facebook page. According to the mayor, Joe Biden

Normalcy returns to the White House, and even if the serious problems of our world do not disappear in one fell swoop, but at least once again there will be an opportunity to address them on the basis of values, together.

There has been no Momentum for four years

We do not mention the Momentum because in 2016 it did not yet exist as a party. In response to Joe Biden’s victory, party chairman András Fekete-Győr wrote on his Facebook page that

the American nightmare is over.

According to the head of Momentum, “the truth has triumphed over lies” and in a year and a half “it will also win in Hungary.”

Cover image: MTI / EPA Photographer: Justin Lane
