Index – National – What do you need to know about the Chinese vaccine?


Hungary has contracted the purchase of a total of five million doses of Chinese vaccine, which will arrive in several months. The first shipment landed on February 17, from which vaccination now begins – read on

As they write, GPs can use the Chinese vaccine first to vaccinate registered seniors by receiving weekly updated lists of registered seniors in their practice. The general practitioners will notify the vaccinated of the exact time and place of the vaccination, which can be at the doctor’s office or, in the case of an elderly person with immobility, at home.

Sinopharm can be given to people over 18 years of age. According to the brochure, it is a safe and effective vaccine, and its great advantage is that it elicits a strong and significant immune response because it contains a complete, dead version of the virus. Therefore, it better stimulates the immune system and provides great protection against the severe course of coronavirus infection, they write, adding that Sinopharm works in the same way as the well-known flu or polio vaccines.

Everything about the Chinese vaccine has been compiled on the government information page, here is the most important information:

Composition of the Sinopharm vaccine

Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (Vero Cell) with aluminum hydroxide adjuvant.

How does the vaccine protect?

The vaccine helps the immune system (the body’s natural defenses) to produce antibodies and blood cells against the virus, thus providing protection against Covid-19.

Who can get vaccinated?

Sinopharm can be used in people over 18 years of age.

Does the vaccine cause disease?

The vaccine should not cause disease. Provides protection against the development of a complicated or serious death.

How many doses are needed for protection?

Protection requires 2 doses administered 21-28 days apart. In Hungary, there is a difference of 28 days between the 2 vaccines.

How long does the protection last?

The duration of protection provided by the vaccine is not yet known and is being determined in ongoing clinical trials.


Sinopharm is not interchangeable with other Covid-19 vaccines. Those who have already received the first dose of Sinopharm should also receive the second Sinopharm vaccine to complete the vaccination series.

Can someone who has had Covid-19 get the vaccine?

People who have already had the disease and have recovered from it can also get vaccinated with the vaccine.

Is a rapid antigen test required before vaccination?

A rapid antigen test is not required prior to vaccination.

Can someone who has an underlying chronic disease get the vaccine?

Sinopharm is contraindicated in certain chronic diseases, mainly without treatment. If your chronic disease is properly treated and balanced, you can get the vaccine. The vaccinating doctor will decide if Sinopharm can be given to the person to be vaccinated.

Can it be given with another vaccine?

Sinopharm should not be given at the same time as other vaccines. Another vaccine can be given at least 14 days apart.

The pregnancy

Vaccination is contraindicated during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be planned at least 2 months after the second vaccination.


Vaccination is contraindicated during lactation.

How is the vaccine administered?

Family doctors administer the vaccine according to a vaccination schedule. The vaccine doctor will interview the person to be vaccinated before vaccination, examine him as necessary and decide on the administration of the vaccine.

Contraindications to vaccination.

  • Acute febrile illness.
  • Serious allergic reaction to any component of the Sinopharm vaccine.
  • After the first dose of Sinopharm, a person who has an anaphylactic reaction should not receive the second dose.
  • Ill-balanced chronic disease, or acute exacerbation of a chronic disease, or history of hypersensitivity.
  • The pregnancy.
  • Breast-feeding.
  • Under 18 years old.

Can side effects (vaccination reactions) occur after vaccination?

A reaction to vaccination can occur after any vaccination. Vaccination reactions may include injection site tenderness, pain and swelling, weakness, headache, pain, malaise, nasal congestion, runny nose, fever or heat at the injection site, loss of appetite, vomiting, dizziness

How can the reaction to the vaccine be treated?

An analgesic and antipyretic can be used to relieve the listed reactions. These are temporary reactions that usually go away without intervention.

Where can a reaction to vaccination be reported?

A vaccination reaction can be reported to the National Institute of Pharmacy and Food Health at The response to vaccination can also be reported to the National Center for Public Health as follows [email protected] sent to an email address.

General information about the vaccine can be found by clicking here.

(Cover image: Sinopharm vaccine. Photo: Oliver Bunic / Bloomberg / Getty Images)
