Index – National – What do politicians read under the tree?


Balázs Orbán, Secretary of Strategic State of the Prime Minister’s Office Márton Békés: Cultural Warfare: Theory and Practice of Cultural Power recommended his book. According to the Fidesz politician, Márton Békés is always worth reading.

You may agree or disagree with him, but you certainly don’t ignore him.

According to Orbán, one of the author’s most important acknowledgments is that it is not possible to create an authentic narrative about Hungarians from samples taken from abroad, especially non-conservative ones. Although we can use the thoughts of Western or possibly Eastern conservatives for this task, “no one will do the job of inventing ourselves.”

The Secretary of State considers

Another important view of Békés is that today’s political battles are cultural in nature, behind which are lifestyle issues. If we fail to create something lasting in this area, the political successes of the right can only last for hours.

According to him, the book adds an excellent compass to this, which is also the final piece in the trilogy written by Márton Békés.

Balázs Orbán’s Christmas book boots list is also there Péter Hahner: The Last 100 Historical Misconceptions, Or What You Know For Sure About History, And Everyone Knows It Badly and another work by the author, World Historical Kaleidoscope with Hungarian Eyes is.

Istvan Hollik The latest book by Márton Békés is also on the list of Christmas boots of the communications director of Fidesz, a member of the KDNP parliament.

According to the Christian Democrat politician

Today, on the national, conservative side, it is the historian Márton Békés who most prolongs and enlivens the intellectual life of the right,

so he looks forward to reading his book more during the holidays.

Hollik is also pleased to publish Secretary of State Balázs Orbán’s book, a volume published in recent weeks. It is that of Hungarian strategic thinking., is also considered a useful read.

The KDNP compatriot also recommended a book to the opposition deputy for the holidays, David Goodhart: On the way home He would shake hands with Ferenc Gyurcsány, as he thinks

This can help you better understand the basics of sovereign thinking.

Márton GyöngyösiJobbik MEP Paul Johnson has recently read the biography of British historian Churchill, recommending it to both his opponents and pro-government politicians.

According to the politician Jobbik

If Viktor Orbán, László Kövér or János Lázár, who often exemplified with the British statesman, read and understood Churchill’s work, perhaps the NER would not enter the history of Hungary as one of the dark and dilapidated ages.

Gyöngyös was so fond of Churchill’s biography that Paul Johnson’s other monumental and celebrated work on the history of the American people, A history of the American people will read your book at Christmas.

István Ujhelyi, the MSZP MEP is currently the most Berry and babysitter he takes it in hand, reads it to his children at home.

He also takes a little more serious volume for the holidays, Tamás Boros and Gábor Fillipov: Hungary 2030 – Vision for the Hungarians he plans to reread his book, he also recommends it to his colleagues in the opposition. You also hope to have time for the volume of János Zolcer: Secrets of Gorbachev, which you think will cover an extremely interesting historical time, so you would definitely like to take some time for it.

The Socialist MEP also gave advice to government politicians during the holidays, focusing on reading the Bible and Pope Francis’ book: Open Mind, Believer’s Heart and Fidesz’s 2009 EP election program, which is still in progress. vigor.

Perhaps in this quiet and profound period of celebration, they will have time to reflect on how far they have drifted away from the Christian and European values ​​in which they had recently sincerely believed.

Péter Ungár, LMP MP Lena Dunham is an American writer False labor: giving up motherhood recommends reading it to Katalin Novák, Minister of Family Affairs, because he thinks so

she is beautiful and will definitely like her too.

And Erik Bánki’s Fidesz representative Kiss Tibor Noé: unpredictable landscape It would give its volume for Christmas because, according to Ungár

you have to meet Tibor Noé Kiss, if Baranya County is that important to him.

Dobrev Klára, Vice-President of the European Parliament, MEP of the Democratic Coalition, recently started Barack Obama: reckless hopes to remind.

It is the tale of a great head of state, an excellent man, on how to win an election amid the hatred incited by the Republicans, and how to govern calmly and cunningly, how to negotiate and build consensus as widely as possible before government decisions. .

According to Dobrev, although the Obama presidency was not free from errors and mistakes, it had the strength to confront and correct them.

There is a lot to learn from Obama, and me too. If we can!

The DK politician recommended a book for Christmas to Viktor Orbán, for two reasons.

The first is that while you read, you are not doing any harm to Hungary, but I also suggest that you read Mario Vargas Llosa’s novel: The Goat Festival, because you can discover how a once powerful dictator becomes a Human ruin, what happens to the powerful leaders who, by placing themselves above the people, eliminating all control, endow themselves with unlimited power.

– the Vice-President of the European Parliament responded to the request for the Index.

András Fekete-Győr, the president of Momentum is also reading the work of the former president of the United States at Christmas, the A promised land memory.

The party president also recommends three books to members of the government:

  • The Bible, because you believe your actions don’t seem to have been read yet,
  • Karl Spatz: Gutter Construction and Repair allegedly referring to the József Szájer scandal,
  • valamint a robbery addiction: the ultimate guide on how to finally overcome a robbery addiction című könyvet.

Wind Bernadett An independent parliament has also betrayed him while spending his time on vacation. SHE David Attenborough: a life on our planet read.

Because the book begins with Chernobyl, the “ultimate despair,” and ends with a vision that no longer inspires him.

The author himself describes that we must understand with our political and economic leaders that this future is not simply something we need, but what we all want and above all and above all.

The deputy says that he has already understood it, so he recommends this book so that the Orbán government and the 133 pro-government deputies read and understand it.

(Cover image: Shutterstock)
